Dr. Toad of Toad Hollow Vineyards
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Toad Hollow

The Toad Hollow Gazette

Since 1983
"All the News That's Hoppinin' in The Hollow"

September 1997, Issue 7

Toad Hollow, CA -- Notes From the Vineyards: It's that time again! Time to drop a line to our friends and supporters -- to let you know what's up, and to once again thank you for your support over the last several months. We are very grateful and excited for the enthusiastic reception of all of the Toad Hollow wines.

As those of you who attended know, the Toad Hollow 1996 Chardonnay release party at Mistral Restaurant in Santa Rosa last April was a huge success. We got to see many old friends and supporters, as well as meet some new ones. The first bottling of 6,000 cases of 1996 Chardonnay was sold out by April 14, with the last 4,000 cases entirely committed by early summer. And here we are, six months later, with no Chardonnay to sell -- and April of '98 so very far away. You will probably be able to find us in your favorite restaurants and wine stores for the next couple of months, but we here at the Hollow are sold out. Regarding the Toad Hollow Chardonnay production for next year, we are hopeful that we will be able to increase production, but the final verdict is still out. While this has been a very good year so far (tons of fruit, long growing season, etc.), many of the grapes have not yet been harvested. The weather has been cool lately, keeping the sugar levels down, and there is always the fear of early rain (like the storm in mid-August!!). By the time you receive this newsletter, we'll know more about the vintage, but right now we are keeping our fingers crossed and hoping for copious amounts of wonderful Chardonnay.

Attention Apropos Fans!!! We are down to our very last cases of Apropos Lot 62, so get it while you can. Unfortunately, due to the fact that we have been unable to come up with the right blend of grapes at an affordable price, it looks like we will not be offering an Apropos from the '96 vintage -- we are now looking toward September '98.

Notes From Frank: I can't believe that I've been working here for eight months. I am certainly enjoying myself, even on days when the Toad is being très grumpy. I have appreciated the opportunity to get to know many of you; some of you in person, others on the phone. I have been truly amazed at the enthusiasm and loyalty of our Toad Hollow supporters. With all of the wines available to the public today, it still tickles me when someone takes the time to track us down -- wanting to know where and how they can get our wines; when we may be in their neighborhood, and if we are doing any local dinners or tastings. It's fun accompanying Todd on trips and having the opportunity to meet some of his many fans. But it's also really fun attending functions where people don't even know him, and they're there purely for their love of food and wine. At these functions, we get to make new friends and introduce them to the wonderful world of Toad Hollow -- and that's always a good idea -- keep the Toad Hollow family growing. Kendall Jackson is #1 in the UPC rings, but we are #201 and climbing -- look out -- here we come!!!

Orders for Eye of the Toad Pinot Noir Rosé have exceeded supply so we will be doubling our production of Rosé in 1997 to 5,000+ cases. The demand for this style of "serious" blush wine is growing as people demand more character and intensity of fruit than the ubiquitous "White Zinfandel" will ever be capable of delivering. The American wine consumer's love affair with Pinot Noir has also had a spillover effect. The Eye of the Toad Pinot Noir Rosé has a natural affinity for the kind of foods we really eat in America. Over-oaked Chardonnay and ponderous Cabernet Sauvignon may be fine wines in their own right but are rarely a perfect match for a sensible Mediterranean diet or the "new wave" California cuisine of the late nineties. Pinot Noir has a ready-to-drink-on-release style that wine lovers appreciate and, similarly, the "cutting edge" Eye of the Toad Pinot Noir Rosé is a revelation to those adventurous wine drinkers who are searching for wines with true food affinity.

So the question becomes, what do we do for the next several months with no wine to sell? Oh, do we have a deal for you!!! In the early part of the summer, with a dwindling stockpile of Toad Hollow Chardonnay at hand, the Badger set off to France in search of a reliable, primary source of French Chardonnay, vinified to our specifications, for a second label. The quest ended in Limoux, long known as an important growing area where the searing temperatures of the South of France are tempered by cool marine influences. This is a factor crucial for the proper development of acidity and ripening of the grapes. Many lots of wine were carefully evaluated for our desired "flavor profile" and by midsummer the assemblage was complete. With similar scrutiny, we evaluated a terrific source of Merlot, grown in the French Pyrenées, which tastes sensational and has accurate Merlot character. Then, complicated only by an unexpected UPS strike that delayed shipments of several thousand labels on next day air to France, the bottling was scheduled and has now been completed. There is no hidden agenda here, just great wines at the best possible price. These wines should be available by late September, so be looking and asking for them in your local marketplace. We are starting out with a rather small supply, but once we see how the wines are accepted (and we truly expect you to like and want these wines), we will be importing larger quantities as we go. And here's the really fun part: Dr. Toad has come up with the idea for another great label, and our wonderful label designer Brenda Eno has once again been able to transfer his ideas to paper with pen and ink. Voilà! -- Le Faux Frog is born!!!

Le Faux Frog Chardonnay Label Le Faux Frog Merlot Label

We are anxious to have your thoughts about our new endeavor. But don't mistake the fact that we are primarily in the California, Sonoma County, Russian River Valley wine business, and this new project is just as it is presented: a second label.

Toad Hollow Vineyards
Healdsburg, California
Telephone: 707.431.1441
