Dr. Toad of Toad Hollow Vineyards
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Toad Hollow

The Toad Hollow Gazette

Since 1983
"All the News That's Hoppinin' in The Hollow"

March 1998, Issue 8

Notes From the Vineyards: Finally -- some really good news.  At least we think so, and we hope you agree.  We are pleased to let you know that due to a bountiful harvest this past September, we will be increasing our production of Toad Hollow Chardonnay this year.  That's right -- we expect to have a goodly amount of Chardonnay for release on April 1.  This means that you should be able to enjoy our Chardonnay all year long.  In the past, the Chardonnay was hard if not impossible to find anywhere after October -- leaving up to six months with no Toad Hollow Chardonnay to be enjoyed.  If you don't see us in your favorite restaurant or wine shop, ASK for us.  Since there should be plenty to go around, we expect to see Toad Hollow in many new locations we were not previously able to service due to the short supply -- and of course we are counting on continued support from our old friends.

Although the end result of 1997 was positive, the harvest was not without problems.   We had unseasonably early rains, and then all of the varietals matured at the same time, which resulted in a shortage of pickers.  And then storage and fermentation space became an issue for many.  But we were blessed and came out on top.  We feel that 1997 was not only a good year for quantity, but also for quality.   How wonderful to have a very good wine -- and more of it!!

Our new vintage of the Eye of the Toad Dry Pinot Noir Rosé was released in mid-January 1998.  Hopefully many of you will have enjoyed it by now.  We feel it is spectacular!  This particular vintage is bone dry with huge Pinot Noir fruit.   This wine does not fly off the shelf like the Chardonnay since much of the public does not realize how wonderful it is.  We still find resistance because many people insist that they don't drink "pink wines."  But most of you know that Dr. Toad does not take no for an answer -- and once someone actually tastes the Rosé, we have found that 9 out of 10 really like it and add it to their repertoire.  Enjoy this wine anytime -- but it's particularly nice in the springtime.  At times when you are not interested in a heavy red wine, but would like an alternative to the very popular Chardonnay, this is the wine for you.  Great to sip on its own, or very successful as an accompaniment to food (especially spicy food such as Thai or Southwestern cuisine).

Have you tried our Le Faux Frog wines?  These wines have been well received and have garnered favorable press nationally.  They have accomplished our goal of keeping Toad Hollow in the marketplace while awaiting the release of our 1997 Sonoma County Chardonnay (April 1, 1998).  As we've stated before, Sonoma County wines have been and will continue to be our primary focus.  We'd be interested in any feedback from out yonder.

We have some new projects on the horizon which we are very excited about.  In the works is a Russian River Pinot Noir due for release in May/June of this year, as well as a Sonoma County Zinfandel in September '98.  There will be a limited amount of each.   Look for these wines in your market -- and do call if you can't find them.  We'll do whatever we can to make it happen.

As most of you realize, the Apropos Lot #62 is no more.  If you happen to come across a bottle in your market, grab it!  Even if and when we do another, it won't be the same -- and people love Lot #62.  We know folks who went to all the wine shops in their area and bought up any and all bottles they could find.  If you find it, buy it -- and then drink it immediately.  It is such an enjoyable wine.

Many of you have had the opportunity to meet Hank the wonder wiener dog, our most beloved puppy --who will turn one year old on April 18.  He's pretty much full grown now -- up from 1-1/2 pounds to over 11 pounds.  He's been to kindergarten, obedience level 1, and he goes to daycare on Thursdays where he gets to hang with the big dogs.   So especially if you are a dachsund fan and planning to visit, make sure you don't schedule for Thursdays.  Hank would be so sorry to miss you.  You can check out pictures of Hank on our web site.

Quote for the Day

"No poems can please or live long which are written by water-drinkers." -- Horace

Toad Hollow Vineyards
Healdsburg, California
Telephone: 707.431.1441
