Dr. Toad of Toad Hollow Vineyards
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Toad Hollow

The Toad Hollow Gazette

Since 1983
"All the News That's Hoppinin' in The Hollow"

March 2000, Issue 12

Could it be? Yes it could. Time for the Spring issue of Tales of the Toad! Of course right now it’s only late January, but in order to get this to you by mid-March, I’ve got to get going now. Unfortunately, that means I’m talking about some of the things that are works in progress (e.g., the travel schedule, proposed release dates of certain wines), but this will at least give you a general idea of the hoppinings at Toad Hollow – and you can either give us a call or check out our web site for the latest and greatest info.

We’re very enthused about the 1999 harvest. As of April 1 there should be plenty of Toad Hollow Chardonnay to go around – maybe even enough to last through the year, unlike this past year when we ran out by October. But some folks have told us that there will never be enough of our Chardonnay to go around. What do you think?

The new Eye of the Toad Dry Pinot Noir Rosé is due for release in mid-February – so it should be available in the various markets long before you receive this newsletter. This new release is vintage dated (1999) which will make it discernable from our previous rosé releases. This current vintage is even drier than our earlier ones – and is 99% Pinot Noir with a touch of Gamay). For those of you in the know (people who realize how wonderful dry rosés are), I’m quite sure you’ll be pleased with our latest endeavor. For those of you who have not yet discovered the pleasures of a dry rosé (and ours in particular), it’s time. There are only 2200 cases of this wine available. I know I’m repeating myself – but it is so nice to have another option (other than red or white), especially in the summer months. It’s a great way to put out the fire when enjoying particularly spicy foods

At the moment, the 1997 Cacophony Zinfandel (our very first) is still available – but not for very long. Lucky for all of us, there is a 1998 vintage, which will be released around April/May of this year. Many of you have become big fans of our Zinfandel, and we think the 1998 vintage is our best to date and won’t disappoint On a sad note, we are out of both the 1997 Merlot and Pinot Noir (I tried to warn you) – and since we did not produce a 1998 vintage of either of these wines due to the strange ’98 harvest, you will have to wait until the 1999;s are ready – we’re anticipating another 12 or so months down the road.

How about that Ampexus!? We are so excited to have our very own sparkling wine. Before Amplexus, I did not think I even liked sparkling wine, but after a few glasses, I realized how wrong I was. We plan to continue importing the Amplexus until there is no longer a demand – now when would that be?? So keep it in mind for your special occasions and celebrations – and it’s very good on those not so special occasions too.

We’re sending the Badger to France in February to work on our second label Le Faux Frog. By early summer you should be seeing Le Faux Frog Merlot, Chardonnay and a Rhône blend or Syrah. These wines will be very moderately priced, and available mostly in grocery stores.

That’s about it on the wines. Now for some social chatter. Erik Thorson has made himself so indispensable that we’ve made him a partner and hired Julie Simons as his assistant. And believe it or not, Todd has hired a sales manager. Her name is Kate Thayer, and we are very excited about having an additional representative in the market-place, especially one that fits in so well. Please help us in making her feel welcome.

Did you know that Dr. Toad has a brand new knee? He’s on the road to recovery (surgery was Dec. 6), and should be hopping around in no time flat. Many thanks to those of you who sent cards and well wishes.

The Toad Store

We have hats and t-shirts (check out our new black tee), golf shirts and long sleeved khaki and denim shirts. Check out the store on the web site or give us a call.

We have a new poster. It features the famous "toasting toad" in our Merlot label format (by Maureen Erickson). It is 16" x 20:, so no custom framing will be required. For at least a while, the Cacophony and Breakfast at Poppies posters will also be available. Be sure to specify which poster, and if you would like Dr. Toad to sign.

Check us out our web site (www.toadhollow.com) for info on the wines, our travel schedule, soft goods, etc. And don’t hesitate to call to ask about our logo wear, where the wines can be purchased in your neighborhood, or just to chat about Toad Hollow in general. We love hearing from you toadies.

Time to hop on over for the Annual Toad Hollow New Release Party. Same time (5pm - ?), same please (Mistral, 1229 N. Dutton Ave., Santa Rosa), with a slight change of date. This year the date will be Monday, April 3rd, as opposed to April Fool’s Day. This is due to the fact that April 1st falls on a weekend, which doesn’t work for Mistral. We’ll get back to April Fool’s Day as soon as the calendar permits. Come sample the new Chardonnay and Rosé – as well as the Cacophony Zinfandel and Amplexus. Complimentary nibbles will be served, along with all the wines at discounted prices. And of course there will be door prizes for a few lucky lads and lassies.

A while back, I received a pamphlet from a wine club in Tuscaloosa. On the cover was a "blurb" which I have taken the liberty of using, with slight modification, as the Toad Hollow motto: We are not a religion – but we work religiously., We are not a social club – but we certainly do our share of socializing. We don’t take ourselves (or our wines) too seriously – but we believe in having serious fun. Why not raise a glass of your favorite Toad Hollow wine and join in the fun?


God in His goodness sent the grapes,
To cheer both great and small;
Little fools will drink too much,
And great fools not at all. Anonymous

Toad Hollow Vineyards
Healdsburg, California
Telephone: 707.431.1441
