Dr. Toad of Toad Hollow Vineyards
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Toad Hollow

The Toad Hollow Gazette

Since 1983
"All the News That's Hoppinin' in The Hollow"

March 2001, Issue 14

One more time (with feeling). Okay, okay. I admit that I'm not exactly ready to be writing another newsletter when we're still getting returns (bad addresses, etc.) from the October issue. And seems we just finished our Toad Hollow travels for 2000 - then blew through Europe for 25 days (yes, it was wonderful - Italy was our most favorite, and Florence in particular - if anyone goes to Florence, make sure you stop in for a glass of wine at Le volpi e l'uva and say hi to our friend Giancarlo Cantini. This was where we spent the most time and had the best time) - and now we're in the midst of the holiday season (total overload). So I'm not quite ready to be a creative and witty teller of tall toad tales - and I really don't want to think about working out our 2001 travel schedule and hitting the road again. I just want to stay home with little Hank and relax and let the Toad run wild on his own. But then I would miss seeing everyone and can only imagine the trouble Todd Toad would get into without me to reel him in. Guess it's time to think about packing our bags and arranging a babysitter for Hank.

The 2000 harvest was a good one. Once again we have been able to increase production of our Chardonnay - and this time we really do think there is enough to go around from April 2001 to April 2002. It's quite a juggling act keeping all those toads in the air. Now that we've increased our production, please don't decide to drink something else. As per our normal toad modus operandi, the Chardonnay will be in stores and restaurants on April 1 - along with our new 1999 Reserve Pinot Noir. We are very excited about the Pinot - it's the first vintage off our fabulous new Pinot vines. Our 1997 Pinot Noir (the one and only) was from contract grapes. As many of you know, the Russian River area is the very best region for growing this very difficult but wonderful grape. While we have had to increase the price, we are certain that you will still find it a bargain and much more reasonably priced than comparable Pinots being offered from this region. This wine is in limited quantity (only 4000 cases) so plan to get it while the getting is good. We had also hoped for an April 1 release date for our 1999 Reserve Merlot, but decided it needed more time in the barrel so we are looking to release this wine in September of 2001. The 1997 Reserve Merlot was our first wine from magnificent vines planted in 1995. This wine was so wonderful (as many of you can attest) that we decided to pass on the 1998 vintage which we felt was not up to our standards. But we know you won't be disappointed when the 1999 is finally available. There will only be 2000 cases, so watch for it.

The new 2000 Eye of the Toad Sonoma County Dry Pinot Noir Rose is due for release in mid-January, so it should definitely be available by the time you receive this newsletter. It's a good one (but of course!) - and we've also increased production on this wine. We were so very successful with our 1999 Rose (released in mid-February and sold out by May) that we were convinced our public wanted more - so here it is! Remember this wine for holidays (great with turkey and such a pretty pink for Valentine's Day), hot summer days and nights, and any time you might be indulging in hot, spicy foods. It is simply the best, if we do say so ourselves. Don't be confused by the slight change in the package. Same label, wine and bottle style - but the glass this year is not clear, but rather the same color as the Chardonnay bottle.

Regarding the Toad Hollow 1998 Cacophony Zinfandel - don't you just love it!? One of the servers at a winemaker dinner we did in Kansas told us "it was like a party in your mouth." Unfortunately, we have been unable to put a 1999 Zin in the bottle. We do not have any Zinfandel vines of our own, so we have to purchase grapes from local growers. With the popularity that Zin has been experiencing, prices have soared, and we have been unable to find the quality grapes that we are looking for at a reasonable price. We would rather miss a vintage than offer you a wine lacking in quality - or in our estimation, too highly priced. So enjoy the 1998 Cacophony Zinfandel while you can, and we'll keep you posted about future vintages.

Hope by now many of you have discovered and enjoyed our Le Faux Frog wines - all 1999's - Chardonnay, Merlot and Apropos Syrah. We bring these wines to you from France, and are able to offer them to you at a very fair price. Our Amplexus Cremant Brut is from this same producer. This Toad Hollow bubbly has been embraced by our public (and staff!). It's also gotten some good press and medals. Fun, very easy (too easy) to drink - great with many different foods or on its own. We've been working with our French cohorts to improve the package since originally the wax seal sometimes powdered during shipment, and the label did not hold up under heavy moisture. Think we have worked out all the packaging kinks. Lots of people are using this wine for their weddings - we actually had a request from a couple to use the label on their wedding invitations because they thought it was so cute. If you haven't seen the package or tried the wine, hop to it!! No sense putting off till tomorrow a drink you can have today.

Toad Hollow Vineyards Annual New Release Party
Date: April Fool's Day (Sunday, April 1)
Time: 2pm to 6pm
Location: Boys & Girls Club, 555 Piper St., Healdsburg, CA

Our release party this year is two-fold. First, as in the past, it will be an opportunity for you to taste the wines of Toad Hollow, especially the new releases (2000 Chardonnay, 2000 Eye of the Toad Dry Pinot Noir Rose, 1999 Reserve Pinot Noir). It's also an opportunity for all of us at Toad Hollow to visit with our friends and supporters. This year we are adding a new dimension to the party - the proceeds will benefit the Healdsburg Boys & Girls Club. While all of the specifics have not been worked out, the general plan is as follows: Toad Hollow will be donating the wine and we will be soliciting local restaurants and shops for hors d'oeuvres. There will be live music from Manzanita Moon (western swing), and a raffle (tickets will see for $1). There will be a door charge which will include 2 glasses of wine and food and music, with additional wine being sold by the glass at a special price. Sounds like fun, don't you think? So mark this date on your calendar, and we'll see you at the Boys & Girls Club on Sunday, April 1 (no fooling). It's a good thing.

New Feature - The Golden Toad Award

Read all about it - Minnesota loves the Toad! We've decided to dedicate a space in our newsletters from now on to recognize a state/distributor (or broker) who does an especially good job of promoting the Toad Hollow brand. This first honor goes to Joe Nagan of Wine Merchants of Minnesota. You cannot go anywhere in Minnesota without seeing Toad Hollow. We've been associated with Joe for the entire lifespan of Toad Hollow, and he continues to spread the word and beg for more wine. You go, Joe. He is also involved with the brand in North & South Dakota and Alabama - and is pushing for a couple of additional states. Todd calls him W.J. (Winey Joe). We love you, Joe. I would also mention that one of our biggest fans resides in Minnesota. Cheers and thanks to Kelsey Dobias for turning on her wonderful family and friends to Toad Hollow wines.

Check out Toad Hollow items for sale on our webbed site or give us a call for info. We have hats and t-shirts, golf shirts, long-sleeved denim shirts, sweatshirts and posters and "Toady" pins. We are hoping to have a new poster available by the time this newsletter is out and about.

We've been including a fun and witty wine quote in the last few newsletters. To keep things more interesting (and so I don't have to do the research), we're asking that all you Toadies out there send us suggestions. Send in a wine quote that we use in our newsletter, and we'll send you a hat as a thank you.

HELP! We're asking for help from our supporters (retailers/restaurants/
consumers). If someone from a distributorship tells you that one of our wines is not available, please double check with us. While it is true that at different times certain wines are sold out, there have been times when people only think the wine is gone. So give us a call!

Toad on the Road - Todd's (& sometimes Frankie's) travel schedule.

Toad Hollow Vineyards
Healdsburg, California
Telephone: 707.431.1441
