Instructions for gluing latex strips to slats:
This task should be done by two people.
Buy List:
- a small 3 inch paint roller
- a paint tray
- one to two quarts of Elmer's yellow carpenter's glue depending on bed size and application.
- mat knife or razor blade
- Pour the glue into the tray.
- With the paint roller, apply the glue liberally to one slat at a time and the underside of one piece of latex at a time.
- Place the two glued surfaces together, and align ends of latex with slat ends.
- Apply small amount of hand pressure when in place, to entire top of the latex.
- Proceed to the next slat until all are glued.
- Let it set for 12 hours.
- After glue is dry, make a small incision with mat knife or razor blade between the latex and wood to clear the screw holes (there are 6 on the Shepherd's Dream slats). This will allow you to connect the slats to the bed without having to penetrate through the latex.
That's all there's to it.
Please let us know how the bed feels now. We appreciate your feedback!
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