Games | First Person Maze Games
- Heretic: solved game
- Doom II: solved game (with cheating on final level)
- Ultimate Doom/Doom: solved game without cheating, some experience with multiplayer Doom
- Wolfenstein 3D: finished all six missions
Real-time Strategy Games
- Warcraft II
- Beyond the Dark Portal Expansion set: won with Orcs and Humans
- Tides of Darkness: won with Orcs and Humans
- Dune II
- Original: won with all three houses (Atreides, Ordos, and Harkonnen)
- Super Dune II hack: won with all three new houses (Mercenary, Sardaukar, and Fremen)
Role Playing Games
- Diablo
- solved original game with all three character classes (Warrior,
Rogue, and Sorcerer)
- Hellfire: solved with monk on normal difficulty and solved on
nightmare and Hell levels with Sorcerer originally imported from
- Star Control 2: solved game
Other PC Games
- Lemmings (with college roommates) solved 82 of 120 levels, multiplayer experience on the Amiga
- Another World (Out of this World)
- Lords of Conquest
- Star Trek: The Rebel Universe
Commodore 64
- Doriath, Karateka, Mail Order Monsters, The Movie Monster Game,
Pirates!, Summer Games, Winter Games, World Games
Atari 2600
- Pitfall: high score of 110,000 played for full time limit and only
4000 points (one gold bar) from the maximum possible score
- Pitfall 2: earned Activision patch and solved game
- Many other games, River Raid, PacMan, Ms. Pac Man, Defender, Space
Invaders, Asteroids
- Beginner 6 seconds, Intermediate 33 seconds, Expert 106 seconds