Jim's Links to CGI & JAVA Site

PERL Learn in 10 minutes | Tutorial #1 | Tutorial #2 | Index | Basics | Functions

Java Programming
Java Basics

PERL/CGI Scripts
The Unofficial Cookie FAQ
Introduction to PERL | Robert's PERL Tutorial
CGI Script Center | The CGI Resources Index | Big Nose Bird
ReallyBig.Com | Big Nose Bird Newsgroups | CGI 4 Me
Planet CGI | PERL | Dev Head
Stanford CGI Library | Tons Of Links | DEVELOPER-dot-COM
UseForeSite | Bennet UK's Java Page | ScriptSearch
FreeCode | Matt's Script Archive | PERL objects
Dave's Central | Free PERL Libraries
UltraScripts (UltraBoard) | Kira's Web Toolbox | GAMELAN
Good PERL Tutorial | Renza Web Gallery and HTML Help | CGI Made Really Easy
CGI Tutorial | PERL.COM's CGI Reference | Beginner's Guide to CGI Scripting with Perl
iWeb | Roman Art PERL Pages | Lots of PERL/CGI resources
The CGI Collection | PERL Tutorial

Java Scripts
Javascript 101 | Javascripts | SuperScripts | JavaGoodies
Javasoft | Freewarejava

SSI Resources
BigNoseBird SSI | WebCom | NCSA
New Breed Software | Article on Server Side Includes | Apache
Mark West's Tutorial | UseForeSite | Internetter
Config Time Format Syntax

CerealKiller | Tidy | How to make HTML Tables
Rose Web Site | Mikodocs | Generating Color in HTML
Color Chart | Team Web UT Austin

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