Our Room

Cabana 5 is one of 12 over-water cabanas. There are 2 beds, a screened-in porch with lounge chairs that face the ocean, and a bathroom. 3 ceiling fans and an oscillating fan were running continuously.

The room was pretty basic. The bathroom was clean. The beds (1 twin and 1 queen) could have used new matresses, but I am forcing it a little at this point to find any flaws in the setup. We were really happy with our room. If you keep the louvers on your windows set just right, there is total privacy even though you have a full view of the ocean.

Coco View supplies you with 5 gallons of bottled water in your room. This is delivered via a large plastic jug with a hand pump. This water tastes much better than the tap water which at best can be described as salty-tasting. Coco View claims the tap water is safe to drink, but we avoided it and still had some minor problems with "tourista".

There was quite a bit of excitement one afternoon when the couple 2 cabanas down from us announced that a boa constrictor had crawled into their room and was found under the bed. The husband spotted the snake, started tossing his wife's clothes over his shoulder, repeating, "Honey, get dressed!". One of the divemasters retrieved the snake and proudly showed it off to the bar patrons.

The next time we travel to Coco View I plan on bringing a small clock radio and some CDs. We didn't have a clock of anykind, except the ones in our dive computers. The CDs in the bar at the clubhouse were limited, and I plan on bringing a few and leaving them behind as gifts to the staff.

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