Pictures from Our 1999 trip to Club Med Huatulco
This wasn't really a dive trip. We only took our masks, fins, and snorkels. There was snorkelling right off the beach. We also took a boat ride to a snorkelling spot at a nearby island in the bay adjacent to Club Med.
As usual, all our travel arrangements were made flawlessly by Debbie Pell at Travel Fever.
Club Med really knows how to handle large groups of people. We arrived as part of two chartered flights at the airport in Huatulco and our room "packet" with keys was on a table staffed by Club Med people. In the packet are tags for your luggage with your room number on the tag. When you arrive at the village, your bags are automatically delivered to your room.
The next morning there are orientations for "newcomers" to Club Med, but since we'd been to a Club already we skipped that and went to breakfast. The Huatulco Club has 4 restaurants. One was pretty much dedicated to breakfast, and another to lunch. Dinner was always available at the third and fourth. The food is good...people who have taken cruises say its pretty much like a cruise ship. It is easy to over-indulge. You are seated at tables with room for you and your party and more. Typically other GMs (Guests) join you and also a GO (Club Med worker). There's a lot of Spanish and French being spoken everywhere so we got an update on our High School Foreign language.
There's tons to do there. Sailing, soccer, baseball, windsurfing, basketball, pingpong, billiards, swimming (3 pools), laying on the beach, snorkelling, archery, squash, the flying trapese, and more are all available onsite. Offsite "excursions" include horseback riding, rafting, shopping, etc.
At night, there are shows. Each Club has a big theater. There are dances, songs, play acts, etc. By the time you go to bed, you're pretty tired.
Highlights of the trip for me included winning the surboard relay race with my son and two other GMs. Losing by a mile, but with fun and great dignity, the sailboat race with my daughter. Taking the sunset cruise with Kati. Feeding the fish in the shallow surf after breakfast and feeling them brush up against our legs.
Click here for Club Med's Huatulco Web Page
There are a lot of FAQs there...
(Click on thumbnail images to view full-size image)
Our Room
The Horseback Ride
The Fish We Fed After Breakfast Each Day
The Sailboat Race
The Pool
The Circus
My Daughter, Anna
My Weird Son, Graham
The Sunset Cruise
Wonderful Views
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12-13-2002, 08:24:41 PST