Pictures from Our 2001 trip to Club Med Sonora Bay

This wasn't really a dive trip. Every year or so, Kati and I take Graham and Anna to Club Med.
This year we went to Sonora Bay, Mexico.

We took our SCUBA gear, and planned on diving. We even signed up for a dive at "Seal Rock" on the first day. However, we found out that the visibility was as low as 10 feet and the water temperature was ~60F. We cancelled the Seal Rock trip and tried a little snorkelling, but it was really cold - I think I saw "a" fish.

<Click on thumbnail images to view a full-size image>

Village Scenes

Photos of Graham and Anna


Hair Braiding

Horseback Riding

The Shopping Trip To San Carlos

Carved Wood - Turtles And Fish

Cocktail Hour

"Musica" MPEG of the Musicians

Carole And "Tomtom"


The Bar

The "SALSA" Show - MPEGS #1 - #2 - #3

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