children! At
this time while
you are still
looking back to
the past
year I call you,
little children,
to look deeply
into your heart
and to decide to
be closer to God
and to prayer.
Little children,
you are still
attached to
earthly things
and little to
spiritual life.
May my call
today also be an
encouragement to
you to decide
for God and for
conversion. You
cannot be
little children,
if you do not
abandon sins and
do not decide
for love towards
God and
neighbor. Thank
you for having
responded to my
children! In
this time of
grace, I call
you to become
friends of
Jesus. Pray for
peace in your
hearts and work
for your
Little children,
only in this way
will you be able
to become
witnesses of
peace and of the
love of Jesus in
the world. Open
yourselves to
prayer so that
prayer becomes a
need for you. Be
little children,
and work so that
as many souls as
possible may
come to know
Jesus and His
love. I am close
to you and I
bless you all.
Thank you for
having responded
to my
children! Today
I call you to
unite with Jesus
in prayer. Open
your heart to
Him and give Him
everything that
is in it: joys,
sorrows and
illnesses. May
this be a time
of grace for
you. Pray,
little children,
and may every
moment belong to
Jesus. I am with
you and I
intercede for
you. Thank you
for having
responded to my
Apparition of
Our Lady to
Mirjana Soldo on
March 18, 2002
lasted from 9:27
a.m. to 9:34
a.m. and Our
Lady gave the
Children! As a
mother I implore
you, open your
heart and offer
it to me, and
fear nothing. I
will be with you
and will teach
you how to put
Jesus in the
first place. I
will teach you
to love Him and
to belong to Him
Comprehend, dear
children, that
without my Son
there is no
salvation. You
should become
aware that He is
your beginning
and your end.
Only with this
awareness can
you be happy and
merit eternal
life. As your
mother I desire
this for you.
Thank you for
having responded
to my
Rejoice with me
in this time of
spring when all
nature is
awakening and
your hearts long
for change. Open
little children,
and pray. Do not
forget that I am
with you and I
desire to take
you all to my
Son that He may
give you the
gift of sincere
love towards God
and everything
that is from
Him. Open
yourselves to
prayer and seek
a conversion of
your hearts from
God; everything
else He sees and
provides. Thank
you for having
responded to my
children! Today
I call you to
put prayer in
the first place
in your life.
Pray and may
prayer, little
children, be a
joy for you. I
am with you and
intercede for
all of you, and
you, little
children, be
joyful carriers
of my messages.
May your life
with me be joy.
Thank you for
having responded
to my
children! Today
I pray for you
and with you
that the Holy
Spirit may help
you and increase
your faith, so
that you may
accept even more
the messages
that I am giving
you here in this
holy place.
Little children,
comprehend that
this is a time
of grace for
each of you; and
with me, little
children, you
are secure.
I desire to lead
you all on the
way of holiness.
Live my messages
and put into
life every word
that I am giving
you. May
they be precious
to you because
they come from
heaven. Thank
you for having
responded to my
Yearly Apparition
of June 25, 2002
The visionary Ivanka
Ivankovic-Elez had her regular annual apparition
on June 25th, 2002.
According to the visionaries, Vicka, Marija and Ivan continue to have daily
apparitions, and Mirjana, Ivanka and Jakov have an annual apparition.
At Her last daily
apparition on May 7, 1985, Our Lady confided to Ivanka the 10th secret and
told her that she would have an apparition once a year on the anniversary of
the apparitions. It was that way also this year. The apparition lasted 6
minutes. Ivanka had the apparition at home in the presence of her family, her
husband and her three children. Our Lady gave the following message:
"Dear Children,
do not tire of prayer. Pray for peace, peace, peace."
Our Lady related to
Ivanka some new details about her life. She gave us her motherly blessing. Our
Lady was joyful.
children! Today
I rejoice with
your patron
saint and call
you to be open
to God’s will,
so that in you
and through you,
faith may grow
in the people
you meet in your
everyday life.
Little children,
pray until
prayer becomes
joy for you. Ask
your holy
protectors to
help you grow in
love towards
God. Thank you
for having
responded to my
children! Also
today I am with
you in prayer so
that God gives you
an even stronger
faith. Little
children, your
faith is small and
you are not even
aware how much,
despite this, you
are not ready to
seek the gift of
faith from God.
That is why I am
with you, little
children, to help
you comprehend my
messages and put
them into life.
Pray, pray, pray
and only in faith
and through prayer
your soul will
find peace and the
world will find
joy to be with
God. Thank you for
having responded
to my call."
children! Also
in this
peaceless time,
I call you to
prayer. Little
children, pray
for peace so
that in the
world every
person would
feel love
towards peace.
Only when the
soul finds peace
in God, it feels
content and love
will begin to
flow in the
world. And in a
special way,
little children,
you are called
to live and
witness peace
– peace in
your hearts and
families –
and, through
you, peace will
also begin to
flow in the
world. Thank you
for having
responded to my
children! Also
today I call you
to prayer.
Little children,
believe that by
simple prayer
miracles can be
worked. Through
your prayer you
open your heart
to God and He
works miracles
in your life. By
looking at the
fruits, your
heart fills with
joy and
gratitude to God
for everything
He does in your
life and,
through you,
also to others.
Pray and believe
little children,
God gives you
graces and you
do not see them.
Pray and you
will see them.
May your day be
filled with
prayer and
thanksgiving for
everything that
God gives you.
Thank you for
having responded
to my
children! I call
you also today
to conversion.
Open your heart
to God, little
through Holy
Confession and
prepare your
soul so that
little Jesus can
be born anew in
your heart.
Permit Him to
transform you
and lead you on
the way of peace
and joy. Little
children, decide
for prayer.
Especially now,
in this time of
grace, may your
heart yearn for
prayer. I am
close to you and
intercede before
God for all of
you. Thank you
for having
responded to my
children! This
is a time of
great graces,
but also a time
of great trials
for all those
who desire to
follow the way
of peace.
Because of that,
little children,
again I call you
to pray, pray,
pray, not with
words but with
the heart. Live
my messages and
be converted. Be
conscious of
this gift that
God has
permitted me to
be with you,
especially today
when in my arms
I have little
Jesus - the King
of Peace. I
desire to give
you peace, and
that you carry
it in your
hearts and give
it to others
until God's
peace begins to
rule the world.
Thank you for
having responded
to my
Apparition to
Jakov on December
25th 2002
the last daily
apparition to
Jakov Colo on
September 12th,
1998, Our Lady
told him that
henceforth he
would have one
apparition a year,
every December
25th, on Christmas
Day. This is also
how it was this
year. The
apparition began
at 5:20 pm and
lasted 7 minutes. Our
Lady gave the
following message:
children! Today,
on the day of love
and peace, with
Jesus in my arms,
I call you to
prayer for peace.
Little children,
without God and
prayer you cannot
have peace.
Therefore, little
children, open
your heart so that
the King of Peace
may be born in
your heart. Only
in this way you
can witness and
carry God's peace
to this peaceless
world. I am with
you and bless you
with my motherly