Saturday, October 2, 1999. Members of Civil War veterans descendant's groups dedicate a historical grave marker at the George Yount Pioneer Cemetery in Yountville, California. 1st Lieutenant Anthony W. Dozier, Jr. of the 6th South Carolina Cavalry, C.S.A. is buried in the cemetery in the Napa Valley north of San Francisco.

photographs below © Kerry Richardson

Lou Hodge, Norm Miller , Ron Cannon, and Roger Fernwood stand at ease at the beginning of a ceremony dedicating a grave marker recognizing Confederate cavalry officer Anthony W. Dozier who is buried in the Yountville, California Pioneer Cemetery.

Bill Cox, a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and Ryan Bennett, a trumpet player from Napa High School, hold programs for the dedication. Cox wears contemporary decorations related to his military service in Vietnam.

Toni Porterfield reads a biography of Lieutenant Anthony Dozier. At right, Anne Miller wears a dress in the style of the Civil War period. Wm. Joseph Cannon stands at left near the flag.

Lou Olker plants the marker next to Lieutenant Dozier's headstone to indicate Dozier was a Confederate Civil war soldier. Olker is involved in efforts to recognize and maintain gravesites of Union and Confederate soldiers.

Members of the General Robert S. Garnett Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy laid flowers on the grave of Lt. Anthony W. Dozier.

A rifle volley was fired by members of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War and Sons of Confederate Veterans. The American Civil War Association was also listed as a participant in the event. Reenactments of Civil War battles are part of the activities of these groups.

Ryan Bennett plays taps as members of the Civil War historical groups stand at attention.

The grave of Lieutenant Anthony W. Dozier, Jr., Company F, 6th South Carolina Cavalry, Confederate States of America, photographed on Saturday, October 2, 1999.

Descendants of Lt. Dozier and his kin were invited to the ceremony. Shirley Dozier Pankratz, stands at the gravesite following the dedication.

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