How Was Your Weekend?
...or: How can someone so smart be so dumb?

I've been slowly, ever so slowly, running my Z harder and harder following its nearly year-long restification.  On Thursday, I had to run to the store for Taco Seasoning, after all, you can't have Tacos without the seasoning!

Life is good, life it grand, love that leather wheel in my hand.  Shift to second, what's that noise?  Feels like grinding gears, oh boy.

So, it goes into the garage on Saturday.  Takes about forty minutes to get it up in the air, remove the various and sundries, and get trans out.  Am I the man or what?  I also took a picture of the engine.  It's a bit dusty, but you get the idea.
Up on jacks
dusty engine
Trans is out
trans pin
Once that bad boy was out, I had to figure out what was wrong.
Removing the tailhousing is pretty simple.
Remove the bolts that hold the tailhousing to the front section, then remove the pin that holds the shift lever in place.

Lo and behold, a loose nut!  This is the nut that holds the fifth gear and synchro assembly in place.  I had insufficiently punched it to hold it in place.  If you look closely, you can see where the nut was rubbing on the shift linkage.  This also allowed the mainshaft to work its way forward, making third gear noisy... that's when I decided it wasn't going to fix itself!
loose nut behind the wheel So I tightened that nut down proper.  I even got a real punch and e'ythang.

No shock to anyone who knows me... I overtightened it.  Now the trans drags something fierce.  Once I find out the spec and procedure, I'll pull the trans out and loosen it off.  So close, so close.  Only took about three hours start to finish, but what a three hours.

Before I gave up for the day, I took some pictures of the almost-finished car, enjoy !