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April 1999 Trip to Provo:

A few pictures from the trip:
Baby Rich and Baby Alex - both about 8 months old
Rich the Graduate - Rich received his BS/MS in Information Systems Management.  Rich has accepted an offer to work for Wal-Mart at their Information Systems Division in Bentonville, Arkansas.  He is excited about his initial assignment in the NT Workstation Group and sees many opportunities for growth within the company.
Rich and Julie
Miller Graduates - Sharon graduated Magna Cum Laude with a BS in Elementary Education.  James graduated with a BS in Geology and has received a sizable stipend to continue on towards a Masters Degree in Geology.  Elijah, center, is bringing both Sharon and James a lot of joy.
Great Grand-dad Sterling and Great Grandson Elijah - At graduation party
Louise and Alex - At graduation party
Mom and Aunt Eileen - At graduation party
Lewis & Dianne & Family - After the blessing of Elijah
Everyone - After the blessing of Elijah

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