Pictures of David Newton's Graduation from BYU:
- After a wonderful visit with Rich and Julie and Alex in Lowell, Arkansas,
we flew to Utah to attend the graduation of David.
- Dave graduated from BYU on Thursday and Friday, April 20-21 "with
distinction", with a combined BS and MS in Accounting. During his
last semester at BYU, Dave combined his 12 units with a twice a week CPA
Review class to prepare himself for the 4-part 15 hour CPA exam in
- Dave had to wait until July for the CPA exam results. When the
results arrived, Dave was so nervous he waited a half hour to open the
envelopes. When he finally got the courage to open the envelopes, he found
that he had passed all parts of the exam (receiving a 94.5 average for the
4-part exam) and had received the highest combined score in the state of
- Dave started his job as an accountant with KPMG in their Phoenix office on
September 18.
- Pictures:
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