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Will the Birthday Boy ever grow up?

Deep Issue Massage

The three participants were suffering the slings and arrows of life's deep issues. One legal, one social and one physical. Aside from a sore back, the birthday boy seemed free of  momentary distraction and was still surfing on the glory of a recent Moab experience and the wave of fun associated with another trip around the calendar. Oat Hill was selected for the sojourn into the restorative nature of the realm known as the Wholly Spoke. It is the combination of technology, nature and the activity created by these items that can be utterly transforming to the spirit. There is no known substance that can look down on this wonderful activity that creates in the user, a profound appreciation of life itself.

The Girl Scout loop remains as one of Mt. Bikin's greatest rides. It has virtually all the elements required to fulfill the entire riding experience. Ease and brevity are not on the list. This 24 mile ride is not for the faint of heart.

The trio paced themselves all day. It was an effort to maintain enough energy to finish the ride, before the ride finished the participant. The day was nearly perfect. The sky was clear at the beginning and the temperature remained around 70 degrees F. Although the vegetation was becoming dry, there remained enough wild flowers to titillate the senses from time to time.

The day would be highlighted with the decision to extend the latter part of the ride into Cub Valley. This remote area is a virtually unknown jewel. No trail goes to it from the Pocai side, and only a one-way trail from the north side that few know about. Yet most of the area is rideable with the exception of some hike-a-bike at the southern beginning and a little stream bed thrashing along the way. The effort leads to a half mile of cool single track before rejoining the Van Ness creek road.

With the leisurely pace and the added loop, the riders spent eight hours making the transition from the chaos of modern living to the joy of finding peace and beauty just beyond the handlebars.

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Eric, Michael and Eric near the bottom of the Oat

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Michael ponders the grandeur

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Two Eric's

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No matter the season or the circumstance, beauty is there

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Michael offers a botany lesson by presenting a very, very rare McNab Cyprus

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Lunch at Cordon Pocai

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Eric (Fuzzy) allowed to celebrate b-day all week


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Eric negotiates the Stoppel Steps

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Michael cleans the Steps

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Rarely traveled Girl Scout extra into Cub Valley

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Dang, this place is BEAUTIFUL

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Few ever see this hidden treasure

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Six hours into the ride, the body flags and the spirit soars

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No flagging for the Birthday Boy (too much cake?)

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Baby Blue eyes keep watch in the Garden

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Spectacular skyscapes garnished the overflowing beauty

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Unrepentant Tree-Hugger soaks up strength, beauty and benediction from the ancient one

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A brief glimpse of the answer to any confusion

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Is this guy Styling or what?

Stay tuned