68HC11 Opcodes

aba  Add Accumulator B to Accumulator A
abx  Add Accumulator B to Index Register X
aby  Add Accumulator B to Index Register Y
adca  Add with Carry A
adcb  Add with Carry B
adda  Add without Carry A
addb  Add without Carry B
addd  Add Double Accumulator
anda  Logical AND A
andb  Logical AND B
asl  Arithmetic Shift Left (Same as LSL)
asla  Arithmetic Shift Left A (Same as LSLA)
aslb  Arithmetic Shift Left B (Same as LSLB)
asld  Arithmetic Shift Left Double Accumulator (Same as LSLD)
asr  Arithmetic Shift Right
asra  Arithmetic Shift Right A
asrb  Arithmetic Shift Right B
bcc  Branch if Carry Clear (CY=0)
bclr  Clear Bit(s) in Memory
bcs  Branch if Carry Set (CY=1)
beq  Branch if Equal (ZR=1)
bge  Branch if Greater than or Equal to Zero (N||V=0)
bgt  Branch if Greater than Zero (ZR=0 + N=0)
bhi  Branch if Higher (CY+ZR=0)
bhs  Branch if Higher or Same (Same as BCC) (CY=0)
bita  Bit Test A
bitb  Bit Test B
ble  Branch if Less than or Equal to Zero (ZR=1 or N =1)
blo  Branch if Lower (Same as BCS) (CY=1)
bls  Branch if Lower or Same (CY=1 or ZR=1)
blt  Branch if Less than Zero (N||V=1)
bmi  Branch if Minus (N=1)
bne  Branch if Not Equal to Zero (ZR=0)
bpl  Branch if Plus (N=0)
bra  Branch Always
brclr  Branch if Bit(s) Clear
brn  Branch Never
brset  Branch if Bit(s) Set
bset  Set Bit(s) in Memory
bsr  Branch to Subroutine
bvc  Branch if Overflow Clear
bvs  Branch if Overflow Set
clc  Clear Carry
cli  Clear Interrupt Mask
clr  Clear
clra  Clear A
clrb  Clear B
clv  Clear Twos-Complement Overflow Bit
cmpa  Compare A
cmpb  Compare B
com  Complement
coma  Complement A
comb  Complement B
cpd  Compare Double Accumulator
cpx  Compare Index Register X
cpy  Compare Index Register Y
daa  Decimal Adjust ACCA
deca  Decrement A
decb  Decrement B
des  Decrement Stack Pointer
dex  Decrement Index Register X
dey  Decrement Index Register Y
eora  Exclusive-OR A
eorb  Exclusive-OR B
fdiv  Fractional Divide (D/IX; IX=Quoteint; D=Remainder)
idiv  Integer Divide (D/IX; IX=Quoteint; D=Remainder)
inc  Increment
inca  Increment A
incb  Increment B
ins  Increment Stack Pointer
inx  Increment Index Register X
iny  Increment Index Register Y
jmp  Jump
jsr  Jump to Subroutine
ldaa  Load Accumulator A
ldab  Load Accumulator B
ldd  Load Double Accumulator
lds  Load Stack Pointer
ldx  Load Index Register X
ldy  Load Index Register Y
lsl  Logical Shift Left (Same as ASL)
lsla  Logical Shift Left A (Same as ASLA)
lslb  Logical Shift Left B (Same as ASLB)
lsld  Logical Shift Left Double (Same as ASLD)
lsr  Logical Shift Right
lsra  Logical Shift Right A
lsrb  Logical Shift Right B
lsrd  Logical Shift Right Double Accumulator
mul  Multiply Unsigned (D=A*B)
neg  Negate
nega  Negate A
negb  Negate B
nop  No Operation
oraa  Inclusive-OR A
orab  Inclusive-OR B
psha  Push Data onto Stack A
pshb  Push Data onto Stack B
pshx  Push Index Register X onto Stack
pshy  Push Index Register Y onto Stack
pula  Pull Data from Stack A
pulb  Pull Data from Stack B
pulx  Pull Index Register X from Stack
puly  Pull Index Register Y from Stack
rol  Rotate Left
rola  Rotate Left A
rolb  Rotate Left B
ror  Rotate Right
rora  Rotate Right A
rorb  Rotate Right B
rti  Return from Interrupt
rts  Return from Subroutine
sba  Subtract Accumulators (A=A-B)
sbca  Subtract with Carry A
sbcb  Subtract with Carry B
sec  Set Carry
sei  Set Interrupt Mask
sev  Set Twos Complement Overflow Bit
staa  Store Accumulator A
stab  Store Accumulator B
std  Store Double Accumulator
stop  Stop Processing
sts  Store Stack Pointer
stx  Store Index Register X
sty  Store Index Register Y
suba  Subtract A
subb  Subtract B
subd  Subtract Double Accumulator
swi  Software Interrupt
tab  Transfer from Accumulator A to Accumulator B
tap  Transfer from Accumulator A to Condition Code Register
tba  Transfer from Accumulator B to Accumulator A
tpa  Transfer from Condition Code Register to Accumulator A
tst  Test
tsta  Test A
tstb  Test B
tsx  Transfer from Stack Pointer to Index Register X
tsy  Transfer from Stack Pointer to Index Register Y
txs  Transfer from Index Register X to Stack Pointer
tys  Transfer from Index Register Y to Stack Pointer
wai  Wait for Interrupt
xgdx  Exchange Double Accumulator and Index Register X
xgdy  Exchange Double Accumulator and Index Register Y