Deed & Letter of Attorney, 1794

To all people to whom these presents shall come William Downard of George Township Fayette county and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania sendeth Greeting Whereas the honorable the proprietaries of the late province of Pennsylvania by their Order of Survey No. 3483 dated the fourteenth day of June one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine did grant to be Surveyed unto the said William Downard three hundred Acres of Land about 4 miles from Laurel Hill on a Branch of Browns Creek including his Improvments made in 1766 adjoining to Manases [Maunus?] Brown and Richard Crocks dated the fourteenth day of June one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine and Whereas in Consequence of said Order of Survey the said William Downard On the first day of June one thousand seven hundred and seventy one procured a Survey of two hundred and ninety three Acres and a half and allowance of six acres p. Cent. for Roads etc. And Whereas the Commonwealth aforesaid by their Warrant dated the sixth day of January one thousand seven hundred and eighty six did grant unto the above named William Downard three hundred Acres of land on the waters of Browns Run adjoining John Scott Jacob Franks and others in George Township in the County of Fayette aforesaid. And on the same day did Grant unto Jacob Downard brother to the said William Downard two hundred Acres of land including an Improvement adjoining William Downard and others in George Township and County aforesaid. In Consequence of which the said William Downard on the eighth day of October one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine obtained a Survey Three hundred and twelve Acres And allowances as aforesaid. And the said Jacob Donard [sic] on the same day procured a survey of one hundred and eighty four Acres and allowance as aforesaid And Whereas the said William & Jacob for their Mutual convenience and advantage afterward released to each other certain parts of the before mentioned tracts of land in order that they might procure regular titles with more convenience and better adapted to their respective claims. And Whereas by their agreement part of each of the tracts aforesaid have fallen to the lot or Share of [blotchy can't read word] William and part to Jacob. And the said William having by article of Agreement dated the twenty sixth day of February last sold his purpart [sic] to Nicholas Baker of Crane Township Washington County and Commonwealth aforesaid. by the following bounds Viz: Beginning at a post thence North fourteen degrees and three quarters east forty one perches and seven tenths to a post near a Black Oak North thirty three degrees and a quarter East seventy one perches and one tenth to a post North forty nine degrees East thirty four perches and five tenths to a post South fifty five Degrees East forty nine perches to a post North seventy seven degrees East one hundred and twenty one perches and three tenths to stones South Eighteen degrees East one hundred and twenty three perches and three tenths to a post near a Black Oak south sixty six degrees and a half west eighteen perches and four tenths to a post. South thirty three degrees west on hundred and forty four perches to a post And North fifty six degrees and three quarters West two hundred and ten perches to the beginning. Containing three hundred and fifty two Acres and half a quarter and allowance etc. And Whereas part of said land is not yet Patented. And the said William Downard being about to remove out of this into the State of Kentucky for his Convenience and as well for the convenience and Safety of the said Nicholas Baker Has and hereby doth constitute his said Brother Jacob and his Brother James of the same place Yeoman his attornies for him and his name and stead to Transfer and make over unto the said Nicholas Baker his heirs or Assigns All the right and title of the said William his heirs executors or administrators of in and Unto the above described part of the aforesaid Tracts of Land therein more explecitly describing the same according to the true Intent and meaning of the above recited Article of Agreement. And they or either of them having signed the same to seal Deliver and Acknowledge such Deed or Deeds in as full and ample a manner as he could [can't read word] he present And the said William Downard necesarily leaving him Sundry unsettled or unliquidated accounts Doth likewise constitute and Impower the said Jacob and James or either of them to settle or liquidate all claims or Demands against him likewise discharge the same also to collect and Demand and if needful sue for and recover and recieve all manner of debts outstanding and due unto him the said William from any person or persons whomsoever within the state of Pennsylvania or elsewhere out of state of Kentucky aforesaid. Hereby ratifying confirming and approving whatsoever his said Attornies or either of them shall lawfully do or cause to be done in or about the premises. In Witness whereof the said William Downard hath to these presents set his hand and affixed his seal the fourteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety five.

Sealed and Delivered                                    William Downard [seal]

in the presence of
   Joseph McClean
   Alexander McClean
Fayette County, P.

The fourteenth day of April Anno Domini 1795. Before me the subscriber one of the Justices of the peace in and for said County personally came William Downard and Acknowledged the foregoing Letter of Attorney to be his Act & Deed to the Intent the same may be available in law. Given under my hand & seal the same day.

[scribbled figures]                                    Jonathan Rowland [seal]
Recorded and Compared the 14th Day of April A. D. 1795.

Source: transcribed by Elaine Kalantarian from a photocopy of the deed obtained at the Fayette County Courthouse, Uniontown, PA

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