Will of Jacob Downard

[22 March 1820]

In the name of God, Amen. I, Jacob Downard of the Township of George in the County of Fayette and State of Pennsylvania, being a Citizen of the same since the seventh day of May in the year of Our Lord one thousand and seven hundred and sixty eight. Do make, ordain, and declare this instrument subscribed, with my name, to be my last will and testament, revoking all others by me heretofore made. -- Imprimus, all my debts, of which they are but few and none of magnitude, are to be punctually and speedily (?) paid and the legacies hereinafter bequeathed are to be discharged as soon as circumstances will permit and in the manner directed.

Item to John Dawson, Schoolmaster son of widow Sarah Dawson, I give and bequeath the whole of the Plantation whereon I now live with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging with the mansion dwelling and all the furniture and every thing thereunto belonging and all the stock such as horses, cattle, sheep, swine, and every other sort of stock that I may die possessed of. -- To Jacob Dawson, son of Widow Sarah Dawson I give and bequeath all that plantation, whereon the said Jacob now lives, Containing one hundred and fifty acres and three quarters and allowance it being the land I bought of Nicholas Baker, with an addition of a piece of land laying between said land and the above mentioned tract line beginning on the east side of the land. I now live at two white oaks thence - south or southwesterly to stones on the rich hill before my door thence in same direction until it strikes the line on the location tract thence down the line of the located tract to a post in a run. a corner of James Downard land. My will further is that in consequence of the two above bequests that the above named Sarah Dawson shall have and be entitled to a good and Sufficient maintenance out of the same during her life in the following manner, that is to say, John Dawson to be subject to two thirds of said maintenance and Jacob Dawson to one third of said maintenance. I strictly enjoin [?] it upon my above legatees that they do not admit or receive John Talbot as a tenant or otherwise on either of the farms as above bequeathed.

I further bequeath unto the above named John Dawson all my Real Estate laying and being in the Borough of Uniontown the white Horse tavern and all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the rest of my claims as to real estate that I may die possessed of laying and being in the State of Pennsylvania I give unto the said John Dawson except a certain tract of land laying and being in Wharton Township Called Cross Glades Containing three hundred fifty acres or nearly so of which land I give two hundred and fifty acres unto Peter Snyder to be struck off the upper end of said tract upon a parrellel [sic] line and the Ballance [sic] of said land I give and bequeath unto the said Jacob Dawson before mentioned, each of them paying a proportionable part of two hundred and fifty Gallon of whiskey due to the said James Cross Deceased. heirs upon said heirs making a sufficient title for the same.

I further give and bequeath unto Peter Snider all my interest of and to a certain parcel of land laying and being in Menallen Township that I bought of the widow Minty Watson now in the occupancy of John Branson [?], the rents becoming due from said land to be reserved to and for the proper use of the said Minty Watson's three children, namely Ann, John and Mary.

Item, I further order my Executors to pay unto the aforesaid Peter Snyder the sum of one hundred dollars, it being moneys due to him from his father's estate in Stubenville in the State of Ohio.

Item, I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Ball, daughter of William Ball late of Union township deceased the sum of seventy five Dollars.

Item, I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Hough the sum of fifty Dollars.

Item, I order and direct that my executors do make and execute a title in fee simple unto a certain Rosanna McClosky for two lots laying and being in the town of M---- [Monroe] being on the North side of the National Road through said Town, whereon one house is now going on to be built by Jonathan Gray the lots adjoining each other the said Rosanna agreeing this day to take said lots for full satisfaction of all services heretofore rendered unto the said Jacob Downard.

Lastly, I do hereby nominate, Constitute and appoint the above named John and Jacob Dawson to be Executors of this my last will and Testament. Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my last will and Testament and Revoking all wills by me heretofore made. In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal, this twelfth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty.

Jacob Downard [Seal]

Signed and sealed in the presence of us the subscribers.

Daniel Johnson
James Campbell
Samuel Askrew

In the name of God, Amen. I Jacob Downard, do by this short supplement to my General will and Testament, I do alter an item, viz the two lots situated on the turnpike Road in the Town of Monrow [sic] which I bequeathed to Rosannah McClosky for her services in full, by this I wish those lots to be added to my General Estate and the said Rosanah McClosky, to be paid for her services by my Executors out of my General Estate and the Room that she has occupied in my house for her bed and clothing I wish her to have the same privalage [sic] as heretofore till her money is all paid to her for her services and further if she wishes, for bemeaning herself in Kind and agreeable Maner [sic] during my illness and so far as she shall continue in a becoming Maner or her circumstances shall alte for the better.

March 22" 1820
Jacob Downard [seal]

Eliel Freeman
James Downard

Fayette County [Register Seal]

The 13" day of April, Anno Domini, 1820 Before me the Subscriber Register for the Probate of wills and Granting letters of Administration in & for said County personally came Daniel Johnson Esquire, James Campbell, Samuel Askrew the signing witnesses to the foregoing last will and Testament And at the same time personally came Eliel Freeman and James Downard, the signing witnesses to the foregoing annexed codicil, each of their solemn attestation did declare that they the said Daniel Johnson, Esquire, James Campbell, Samuel Askreu, the signing to the annexed or following codicil did severally and Respectively see the Testator when of right mind sign and seal said will and codicil respectively that no undo influence had been used in either that could tend to thwart the inclination of the deceased, or later will made by him to their knowledge or belief. Given under my hand and seal of said Office the same day.

Alexander McClean Register

Registered and Compared 12 April 1820

Source: transcribed by Elaine Kalantarian from a photocopy of the county clerk's recorded copy of the will

photo of Jacob Downard's tombstone

Jacob Downard's tombstone (Old Methodist Cemetery, Uniontown) reads: Sacred to the memory of Jacob Downard who departed this life April ?th 1820 aged 79 years.

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