BART Oakland Airport Boondoggle Draft EIS/EIR
Unfortunately, the microcephalics who run BART's "award
winning" web site have not only only provided a PDF version of the
report, but have cretinously forced would-be readers to rely on
broken PDF links within the document, which stand a good 10%
chance of working for many users. If you're going to be a lazy
clod and not produce a universally-readable and
universally-accessible low-tech HTML version of an essentially
low-tech document (compare the amount of text to the number of
drawings in the DEIS/DEIR!), then at least package the thing up as
one PDF file, or at the very least provide an HTML directory of
the (worthlessly and counter-productively subdivided) pieces.
The way the clueless losers have things set up now you can't
download the document and read it at leisure; instead you have to
have a live open conection to BART's "award winning" web site in
order to have a PDF reader do a poor job of repeatedly downloading
pieces of the document. (Isn't that what web browsers are supposed
to do?)
Not only that, but Adobe's Award Winning Acrobat software
crashes my browser when I try to use it to follow and download
links on my machine... (And there is of course no way to say "Save
this link as..." In Adobe's Award Winning Acrobat Software, so
there's no fucking way for me to read the DEIS/DEIR on BART's
"award winning" web site, so if I weren't facile with computer
file formats and pissed off enough that I'd waste a lot of time
producing the document you're now reading I'd have to physically
go to a library and try to find a paper version of the
electronically-produced publication.
However through the magic of Emacs I can reveal to you now the
information which you can't get from BART's "award winning" web
site: the URLs of all the dozens of stupid little files into which
they've inconveniently broken the document. Below is a table of
contents with links into all the wretched stupid PDF files, which
would make perfect sense as separate HTML pages (since HTML is
actually useful in browsable chapters) but which just
make for browsing and downloading hell as a myriad of PDF files
(since PDF is a just a completely unhelpful, structure-free
representation of marks on pieces of paper, whatever the
charlatans at Adobe would have you think.)
A document like this would be published on the web as a set of
universally-accessible HTML files, with links to
reduced-resolution rasterised JPEG and full-resolution
vector-based PDF (and in the future SVG) representations of the
graphical content. A PDF file of the entire report could also be
provided for those who love putting toner on dead trees. It isn't
that hard to take the time to do things right, especially if
you're part of in a pork-trough of a project with a slush fund
measured in tens of millions of dollars. in an agency which has
doesn't know the meaning of the words "cost control". Hell, I'll
do it it they pay enough. (I'll do it for
free if I care enough.)
But it gets even better than that! It turns
out that all the graphics content (eg all the overview maps) in
PDF files published on the "award winning" BART web site have been
rasterised at low resolution, even though they were
obviously produced in a vector-based illustration program.
Talk about losers totally unclear on the concept!
Death to PDF as a surrogate for web publishing, death to Web
Design Professionals, and most of all death to insanely
capital-expensive and low-productivity BART capital projects,
-- Richard
- Executive Summary
- Project Background, Purpose, and Need
- Purpose of the Draft EIR/EIS
- Description of Project Alternatives
- Impacts of Project Alternatives
- Next Steps
- Section 1 Introduction
- Section 2 Project Alternatives
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.1.1 Project Alternative Features
- 2.1.2 Related Airport Improvements
- 2.2 No Action Alternative
- 2.2.1 Technology
- 2.2.2 Route
- 2.2.3 Stations/Stops
- 2.2.4 Operational Characteristics
- 2.2.5 Ancillary Facilities
- 2.2.6 Costs
- 2.2.7 Partial ADP Scenario
- 2.3 Quality Bus Alternative
- 2.3.1 Technology
- 2.3.2 Route
- 2.3.3 Stations/Stops
- 2.3.4 Operational Characteristics
- 2.3.5 Ancillary Facilities
- 2.3.6 Design Options
- 2.3.7 Costs
- 2.3.8 Partial ADP Scenario
- 2.4 Automated Guideway Transit Alternative
- 2.4.1 Technology
- 2.4.2 Route
- 2.4.3 Stations/Stops
- 2.4.4 Operational Characteristics
- 2.4.5 Ancillary Facilities
- 2.4.6 Design Options
- 2.4.7 Costs
- 2.4.8 Partial ADP Scenario
- 2.5 Alternatives Comparison
- 2.6 Alternatives Considered but Rejected
- 2.6.1 Prior Studies
- 2.6.2 Alternatives Raised During the Scoping Meeting
- 2.6.3 Alternatives Considered During Preliminary
Environmental Screening and Conceptual Engineering
- Section 3 Environmental Analysis
- 3.0 Introduction
- 3.1 Transportation
- 3.1.1 Introduction
- 3.1.2 Existing Conditions
- 3.1.3 Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures
- 3.2 Land Use
- 3.2.1 Introduction
- 3.2.2 Existing Conditions
- 3.2.3 Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures
- 3.3 Socioeconomics
- 3.3.1 Introduction
- 3.3.2 Existing Conditions
- 3.3.3 Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures
- 3.4 Visual Quality
- 3.4.1 Introduction
- 3.4.2 Existing Conditions
- 3.4.3 Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures
- 3.5 Cultural Resources
- 3.5.1 Introduction
- 3.5.2 Existing Conditions
- 3.5.3 Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures
- 3.6 Community Services
- 3.6.1 Introduction
- 3.6.2 Existing Conditions
- 3.6.3 Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures
- 3.7 Utilities
- 3.7.1 Introduction
- 3.7.2 Existing Conditions
- 3.7.3 Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures
- 3.8 Geology, Soils, and Seismicity
- 3.8.1 Introduction
- 3.8.2 Existing Conditions
- 3.8.3 Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures
- 3.9 Hydrology and Water Quality
- 3.9.1 Introduction
- 3.9.2 Existing Conditions
- 3.9.3 Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures
- 3.10 Biological Resources
- 3.10.1 Introduction
- 3.10.2 Existing Conditions
- 3.10.3 Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures
- 3.11 Noise and Vibration
- 3.11.1 Introduction
- 3.11.2 Existing Conditions
- 3.11.3 Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures
- 3.12 Air Quality
- 3.12.1 Introduction
- 3.12.2 Existing Conditions
- 3.12.3 Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures
- 3.13 Energy
- 3.13.1 Introduction
- 3.13.2 Existing Conditions
- 3.13.3 Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures
- 3.14 Hazardous Materials
- 3.14.1 Introduction
- 3.14.2 Existing Conditions
- 3.14.3 Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures
- 3.15 Environmental Justice
- 3.15.1 Introduction
- 3.15.2 Environmental Conditions
- 3.15.3 Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures
- 3.16 Construction Impacts
- 3.16.1 Introduction
- 3.16.2 Construction Scenarios
- 3.16.3 Construction Analysis
- Section 4 Other CEQA/NEPA Considerations
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Significant Unavoidable Adverse Impacts
- 4.3 Significant Irreversible Environmental Changes
- 4.4 Significant Cumulative Impacts
- 4.5 Growth-Inducing Impacts
- 4.6 Environmentally Superior Alternative
- Section 5 Section 4(f) Evaluation
- Section 6 Financial Considerations
- 6.1 Introduction
- 6.2 Cost Summary
- 6.2.1 Capital Costs
- 6.2.2 Operating and Maintenance (O&M) Costs
- 6.2.3 O&M Costs and Fare Revenues
- 6.2.4 Cost-Effectiveness
- 6.3 Financial Feasibility and Local Financial Commitment
- 6.4 References
- Section 7 Community Participation
- 7.1 Summary of Scoping
- 7.2 Summary of Ongoing Public Outreach
- 7.3 Summary of Public Agency Coordination
- Section 8 Agencies, Organizations, and Individuals Receiving Copies
- 8.1 Agency
- 8.1.1 Federal
- 8.1.2 State
- 8.1.3 Regional
- 8.1.4 Local
- 8.2 Interested Parties
- 8.3 Libraries
- Section 9 List of Preparers
- 9.1 Lead Agencies
- 9.2 Environmental Consultants
- 9.3 General Engineering Consultants
- Section 10 Glossary of Terms and Acronyms
Appendices (in Separate Volume)
Unpaid HTMLificatio by Richard Mlynarik
Last modified: Fri Aug 3 22:27:24 PDT 2001