Antimatter--inverts brightness without affecting hue and
ation values.
Photoshop's invert feature will turn dark yellow to light blue;
antimatter turns it pale yellow. I took an image that I had made
in Paint Shop Pro 5.0 with its Picture Tubes feature and used the
Antimatter filter from Eye Candy, just around the lettering, and
produced the neat image to the right. The original image was all
black with white text. (See review of Paint Shop Pro 5 for view
of original.) Because you can apply the filter to the whole image,
only a selection, or just a layer, you can create really unique
Carve--makes your selections appear carved or chiseled into your image. I used the carved filter for
the title and section headings for this review. Many filters will produce great effects on large fonts but not
on smaller sizes. Eye Candy did fine with both.
Chrome--produces a metallic effect that can be used to simulate chrome, gold and other metals.
Cutout--makes your selection appear as a hole in the image.
Drop Shadow--makes your selection appear to float by creating a shadow beneath it and gives it a 3-D
Fire--produces a realistic flame effect rising from your selection. I used this filter on the window/women
image under Type of Product heading above. I had created the image in Photoshop by using the plug-in from Auto
F/X's Photo/Graphic Edges for the review of the product and just added the fire from Eye Candy. (See review of
Photo/Graphic Edges for view of original.)
Fur--fur smears the image using randomly placed clumps of
fur. W
hen I first tried
this filter, I thought, what do you use it for? But it is great.
I took an image, a book cover, that I had made in PaintShop Pro
for a review of the book Teach Yourself Paint Shop Pro 5 in 24 Hours,
and used the fur filter on it. (See review of Teach Yourself Paint
Shop Pro in 24 Hours for view of original.)
Glass--puts a sheet of colored glass on top of your selection. You can reproduce rippled flaws that appear
in older glass.
Glow--draws a semi-transparent glow around the outside edge
of the selection which gives a neon effect.
HSB Noise--lets you add noise to a selection by varying the Hue, Saturation, Brightness and Transparency
of the selection. I used the HSB Noise filter, with the Pointillistic Spew preset for the dog image to the right.
Inner Bevel--gives your selection an embossed look, or the appearance of being raised up from the rest
of the image, and is an easy way to create buttons. Highlights and shadows appear around the inside of the selection.
Outer Bevel--makes your selection appear embossed or raised up from the rest of the image. Highlights
and shadows appear around the outside of the selection.
Jiggle--produces a new kind of distortion based on randomly placed bubbling.
Motion Trail--smears the selection outward in one direction, producing the illusion of motion. You can
apply a jiggle to a motion trail to create a gaseous vapor trail.
Perspective Shadow--creates a shadow behind your selection, tilted so that the selection appears to be
standing up as the light comes from above and in front.
Smoke--produces a variety of smoky effects rising from your selection.
Squint--creates a new kind of blur which basically unfocuses your selection by spreading each pixel around
the edge of a circle.
Star--creates stars and other regular polygonal shapes.
Swirl--smears the image using randomly placed whirlpools.
Water Drops--randomly places water drops on your selection. I used this filter on the image to the right
that I had created with Paint Shop Pro 5. (See review of Paint Shop Pro 5 for original.)
Weave--gives your selection the appearance of being woven.