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The following is a list of factors that IBM
has determined positively influence
Web sites.
According to industry experts, by the
of 1999, one in eight small businesses
have a Web site. But, what makes a
Web site
successful? The following are tips
IBM has
found to be common on successful Web
1) Update your site regularly to keep customers
coming back. This includes adding new products,
offering new promotions and updating graphics
and pictures.
2) Keep it simple and easy to navigate. Your
initial Web site should be no more than five
to seven pages. The more complicated it is,
the harder it will be for consumers to find
the information they want.
3) Allow customers to ask questions and obtain
additional information. Provide an 800 number
and e-mail address. Customers greatly appreciate
a prompt response within 24 hours.
4) Provide links to other sites that may
offer additional information. Your Web site
is a tool to better serve your customers.
If they find the information they need the
first time, they are likely to come back.
5) Don't go overboard on graphics. Potential
visitors might not stick around long enough
to let your site load on their computer.
If your business calls for a graphics-intensive
site, give consumers the option of loading
a "light" site.
6) Provide as much customer service as possible.
The key is to make your Web site convenient.
Save customers time by including FAQs or
frequently asked questions and product information.
This will help consumers get answers to their
questions quickly.
7) Invite customers to give feedback on your
site and/or products by way of e-mail or
surveys. This will keep you in touch with
your customers as well as help you continue
to improve your site.