Shack Board

The Shack Board provides power for PreampA and PreampB as well as interface from each of their outputs.  Power is the input 10-16 VDC passed up to PreampA and also regulated with an adjustable LDO to produce 8V at both  Preamp &B, after any voltage drop in the intervening cables.

The Shack Board can also provides LPF and HPF filtering for PreampA and HPF filtering for PreampB, respectively, to create the hybrid antenna system.


Besides functioning to combine Preamps A&B by way of a diplexer, it may also be used for initial testing of each Preamp, Junction Box and cables. 
For flexibility in use and testing, there are three switches on the PCB, two to bypass the respective filters and one to interconnect the output SMAs.

Since assembled PCBs must be ordered with minimum quantity = 2 , this makes a good arrangement for testing. Bypassing the filters and using each of  two PCBs as a simple 50 Ohm <==> 100 balanced line adapter lets transmission through a length cable be measured.  Similarly one board may have temporary short wires connected to either Preamp input while the a second board receive and power that preamp. This provides end-end 50 Ohm SMA connectons to measure a Preamp's performance. Applying power to either of the interconnected boards also allows checking power function of each board.

DC tests can be performed with a multimeter for power supplies. For RF testing a broadband measurement using a scalar or network analyzer is a very good method.  This may be done with a TinySA or nanoVNA. Loss through each transformer during a two-Shack board test should be no more than about 2 dB. Typically CAT5 cable loss should be about 3 dB/100' at 30 MHz.


In addition to its main function of supplying power to Preamps and receiving differential RF over CAT5 cable and delivering the filtered/combined results to a receiver, this board also has a switch to disconnect the 12V supply from the input circuits of a probe preamplifier while leaving output stages operative.  This allows identifying common mode and other unwanted noise ingress apart from the intended balanced antenna. A better method is to simply short the dipole elements but this is not always possible or convenient so simply disabling the input high impedance OpAmps is useful to verify a system.

Material List

What you will need to build this hardware

Item Description


Source Code


Approximate Material Cost

(excludes setup fees and shipping)

Assembled ShackPCB PCB

Download ShackPCB Kit Files

Download ShackPCB Source Files

Added Preamp12V Switch/LED

38x88x100mm Clam Shell Enclosure


Other sources possible. Enclosure needs to accept 84mm wide PCB. US$12

38x88mm ShackPCB Front Panel

Download ShackPCB Front Panel Kit Files

Download ShackPCB Front Panel Source Files


38x88mm ShackPCB Rear Panel

Download ShackPCB Rear Panel Kit Files

Download ShackPCB Rear Panel Source Files


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