It appears that the receiver board (at least) has a problem or two.
  1. part of the trace from IC U4 pin 2 to the connection point P3-2 is missing on the postscript (at least) plot.
  2. Bob Teeter reports a difference between the schematic in the Handbook (must be the new one because my '91 is correct in this regard) on the connection around the 422/562 and 1K resistors in front of U4 pin 5.
  3. The integrator cap (0.1uF, U1-8 to U1-9) is not on the placement diag, but the holes are on the trace plot.
  4. A trace from the 34.8K res to the 5.11K/7.5K res is missing on the trace plot. This is in the Q3 circuit.
Luke Bowker adds these comments and corrections.

From: Luke Bowker 
Subject: some errata on the 2Mbps thing
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 02:22:42 +1000 (EST)

In addition to what's on the web page, I've come across the following.
Sources are the ARRL's "Packet, Speed, more Speed and Applications" book
(1st edition it says), and the pcb artwork on the web page.

- The overlay specifies a 511 R resistor.  The schematic in the book and
the errata on the page and common sense say it's a 5.11 K resistor.

- Q3 and Q4 are swapped between the overlay and the schematic.  Doesn't
matter since they're both 2n2222's.

- The 147 R resistor associated with Q3 (the overlay's Q3, Q4 on the
schematic) should be 20K.

- The schematic doesn't show that the DCD led is connected via two pins
on P2.  From the schematic one may get the impression that the DCD light
should be mounted on the PCB.

  - On the preamp there are two inductors, only marked with "75", but no
    mention of what units they're in.  nH I presume?  Nearest preferred
    values are 68 and 82 nH aren't they? These two coils are the only things
    I'm unable to locate at every shop I can think of.

I hope to write up a html thing on where to get the components from for people
living in Australia. I'll let you know when it's done. 

If anyone finds other problems or fixes, let me know and I'll try to include them in this file.

Glenn n6gn