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Art / Installation
Name Performance Description Link
Frank Abbott  Displace A joystick controls the distant landscape Isle of Skye projected in panorama around an audience of viewers.  dead link
AlienNation Co.  Migbot Futuristic installation in many rooms chronicling the destruction of a spacestation in 2007
Audio Gruppe Audio Geishas Suitcases allowed museum visitors to talk through the guides
Bergen Centre for Electronic Art, motherboard Hot Wired Live Art Workshop/performance/event, an art week dead link

Jonny Bradley,
 Bruce Gilchrist

Looking At Primitives Conceptual piece demonstrating principals of the human genome project and primative shapes as codes for biological aspects via a rapid prototyping machine -(See DPA for more)
Luc Courchesne Hall of Shadows Four kiosks feature pre-recorded actors/characters which interact with the user and are projected onto glass, giving the effect of ghosts or holograms (See DPA for more)
shallow link

Toni Dove Mesmer: Secrets of the Human Frame A video/computer presentation installation projected onto nets which introduce the viewer to concepts about finding and loosing one's voice throughout the monologues of characters such as Echo, Dora, Frued, etc.


Toni Dove The Blessed Abyss -A Tale of Unmanageable Ecstacies Multi-projector enviroment weaving together texts from throughout the ages on human sensuality (read DPA descriptio for more)

miss- link

Toni Dove Artificial Changlings A shoplifter from the Victorian past and a cyber-outlaw from the future meld in an audience interactive experience framed by four walls of projection which are motion (distance) triggered to allow participants to view/experience far travel passageways, near (interaction), and inside the mind of characters (addressing you personally)
Floating Point Unit Extremely Refrigerated "Video/installation/performance infestation in an abandoned meat cooler. First group installation event with remote data hook-up using CU-Seeme." DPA site dead link
Hotwired Live Electronic Resistance e Network Art Party Plan Like a happening- non-scripted
Eduardo Kac Rara Avis See the inside of an aviary from the point of view of a telerobotic macaw
Istvan Kantor Executive Machinery Office equipment sculptures
Mesh Performance Partnerships  Contours Interactive performance environment allowing up to 50 audience members to move on a reactive stage - the movements of the performers are translated into images projected onto the floor and screen dead link
The Olimpias Body Spaces Art installation (landscaping women)
Leslie Owen Everett
Carmin Karasic 
CyberDance Myths; New Charts for New Realities Installation exploring new mythologies (archetypes) and gods/godesses (dieties) for the cyber generations (mirroring Classical need for divinities) several computer screens allow the visitor to see the visual/audio interpretations of modern myth of 4 artists and chat with them
Andrea Polli Active Vision Eye movements manipulate sounds of live or recorded signer/instrument
Andrea Polli Inside the Mask Physical eye movement instrument
Don Ritter Jacko (& more) Interactive video performances
Don Ritter Excity  Audio installation
David Rokeby Very Nervous System Scale of body and machine- instrument you play with your body - creates feedback loop dead link
Satorimedia Touch Down Video of hands touching things with dialogue, web/video, interaction with 3D modeled hands, video conferencing
Paul Sermon Telematic Dreaming - and others Very interesting, video archives of interactive space where participants on two separate couches are able to meet and interact via projection and watch their counterparts on monitors, video- teleconferencing
Perry Hoberman  Bar Code Hotel Vistors/users scan actual objects which interact virtually.  See also TimeTable (a projected virtual clock with changeable/interactive hands), Lightpools- a virtual environment in which a user grows an object-trains it to dance, Faraday's Garden- appilances activated by walking-pressure sensors, Cathartic User Interface -projected installation allowing users to throw balls at keyboards and trigger reactions, workaholic-scanner pendulum, Zombiac-monitors "responding to visitors" with light flashes- sounds- similar to ai community. Excellent site, insightful, great pictures.
Perry Hoberman  Zombiac Computers as community - monitors flash in response to visitors talking, etc.
Hong Sung-Min  Peeping/People  A story is told when your shadow fits the outline of a body shape in the installation - audience/participants - no actors dead link
Saltz & Saltz Entrances and Exists This prescripted video/ machine art "sculptural animation" performs a three-minute play written by David Saltz, inspired by Samuel Beckett's short text Come and Go, an open-ended text about three old women who gossip about one another when each character in turn briefly exits." --DPA site dead link
Survival Research Laboratories Fin de Siecle Machine Circus  Machines fighting. dead link
ResCen Virtual-Physical Bodies/the future synthesis Wearable art
Mel Roman Journeys  African Diasopora soundscape with projections dead link
Sarah Rubidge, Ed Payne Passing Phases Art installation
Stephan Silver Synfonica & Virtuoso  Art installation - floor pressure pads activate projections
Steve Waldron The Diffrence Engine #3 Interactive sculpture with video camera and many monitors. dead link
Derek Wills  Systems Maintance VR environment/installation
Stephen Wilson Body Surfing  "Body Surfing uses state of the art body sensing technology to ironically question these claims by allowing visitors to investigate the limitations and pleasures of the body in contexts such as dance, physical labour, sport, feasting, erotic touch, hunger, sickness, old age, bioinfomatics, medical dissection, DNA modelling, and medical imaging. Media events are accessed through drumming, stretching, touching, gesturing, dancing, and running, which are sensed and responded to by computers" --DPA site
Cathy Witzling Father Why An istallation created around the death of the artist's father, asking questions as to the emotional nature of a space.


Dance Performance
Name Performance Description Link
The Anatomical Theatre  2081 Digital projection; dance based on Kurt Vonnegut’s short story, Harrison Bergeron, which depicts a future where all citizens are forcibly made physically and mentially equal by the Handicapper General
The Anatomical Theatre  In Effect Visible Exploring dance and the body in conjunction with computer-aided imagry of Chicago's abandoned buildings and forgotten spaces
Barriedale Operahouse  Duplex  Duet, intimate relationships, mediating technology. "Every time it’s a different story. The audience is never aware of the means or actions allowing the couple to do this, they simply engage in the physically challenging and emotionally sincere manifestations of a process" -DPA description (shallow link)
Barriedale Operahouse  Cay -admit possibilities Club installation - more info needed
Barriedale Operahouse  PDE - Solo Cafe  A solo dance for technology in public spaces prototyping a flexable choreography program for online choreography collaboration.
Marie Brolin-Tani, Jens Jacobsen,
Wayne Siegel

Sisters Sound producing body sensors
Bud Blumenthal  Rivermen Live dancers and animated projections site under construction -useless
Company in Space Escape Velocity

An interesting exploration of the body, and Architecture of Biography..."Movement driven Escape Velocity mirrors the complex nature of the bodies' relationship to space, time and place at a moment in history when these parameters are shifting from under our feet. It presents a range of perspectives on the nakedly physical, technologically mediated, absent body, and disembodied emanations of the mind. " -- From DPA
Choreotechtonics Byte City Archetectural dance installation "consists of nine plexi glass tubes hung on a grid, each containing a speaker. When activated SOFEA will create a sound field, a layer of virtual space shaped from the sounds of nine geographical locations throughout the city.
" --DPA site
Merce Cunningham,
Hand-drawn spaces "Hand-drawn Spaces is a multimedia art installation -- a mental landscape in which hand-drawn figures move in 3D to the choreography of Merce Cunningham." --DPA site
shallow link

Dance Construction  Laser Dance Lasers interupted by dancers trigger sounds (effects) dead link
Dance Construction  Stall Animation dead link
Alfred Desio  Zapped Taps Performance with sound/light triggering tap shoes.
Jody Elff, Rebecca Lazier  A Stone's Throw Looping action which just happened.
shallow link

Liss Fain Dance Sojourn in Alexandria "Eight dancers onstage are joined by projected 3D images of dancers at a second location - projected around the world in an Internet Webcast. The extensive libraries of the ancient Greeks in Alexandria, Egypt and the excellence of art in a civilization at it's height infuse the dance with intensity and precision." --DPA site
Igloo Viking Shoppers Collaboration of international artists in Iceland, exploring the theme of the body as a digital image
Isabelle Jenniches klein getijden boek

Book of hours: a performance of the records of daily life and time featuring text on a screen, it is uncertain if dancers speak (as in a 'theatre environment').
Isabelle Jenniches Soft Mirror A dance between a present dancer and a projected dancer portraying Echo to her Narcissus. Video transmission delay is explored as an part of the artistic medium.

Mabel Klies Gallery of Memories VRML/web; virtual rooms, real dancers, questing, memories
shallow link

Susan Kozel  Ghosts and Astranauts CU-SeeMe bi-locational performance between two dance companies, cameras moved with the dancers to create a telematic event
link dead
Lisa Naugle Boundaries Dance with animation dead link
Lisa Naugle Watching words Dance with words on screen, motion sensors triggering projections .html
William Forsythe, Michael Saup Binary Ballistic Ballet  The dance occurs in an interactive space with dance in which dancers see text pulled from a database, are able manipulate text and dance to music changes and patterns triggered by the changing words.
Morrison Dance Company Leaping Into The Net A live performance with projected web materials and webcast of the dancers
Palendrome  Electrodes
2. Heartbeats
3. EyeCon
Receptors from muscle movement control sound and lights
Random Dance Company, Vicki Mortimer Aeon "Aeon is an integrated, multi-media performance for eight dancers and their virtual partners, Aeon (earth/air) takes place in virtual, physical and screen-based space. The piece is presented in three parts...first is an animated solo...the second is a combination of real and digitally projected dancers...and in the third the dancers perform Wayne’s lightning speed choreography and idiosyncratic movement vocabulary, bringing the performance back to the body and questioning our ideas about its limitations and extremeties."--DPA site
Random Dance Company, Vicki Mortimer The Millennarium "The stage is transformed through cyber-technology into an aquarium-like world where the live and present meets the live and non present in a volcanic dialogue for the 21st century."--DPA site
Random Dance Company, Vicki Mortimer Sulfur16 "Sulphur16 contains sixteen fragments of equal length. These are physical propositions or equations which redefine basic choreographic principles of time, space and the presence of the body." --DPA site
Random Dance Company, Vicki Mortimer

The Trilogy
"An integrated, multi-media performance for eight dancers and their virtual partners The Trilogy (Water Fire Earth Air) takes place in virtual, physical and screen-based space and develops a fresh look at dance and new technology." --DPA site
Seth Riskin, Arizona (ISA), Light Dance Dance with light boxes, lasers, mirrors, holographic scrims, projectors on the body creating an optical space
--specific show shallow link
Don Ritter   Static Boy Animation; in the performance sound synthesizers conroled animations and geometrical imagry. dead link
Riverbed, Wierzel  You Walk?  Collaboration between Riverbed and Bill T. Jones using rear-screen projection and 3D animations.
shallow link

Satorimedia No fixed Plans Third part of hands series, web input influences dance
Wayne Siegle  Sisters Bodies create sound/light - Digital Dance System
Martin Thompson Ada Dance based on Ada Byron Lovelace's work and life dead link
Troika Ranch  In Plane A dance duet between a dancer and her video projection.  Light, sound and video projections arecontrolled by the dancer's movements. (midi dancer) "Which is more powerful: the human dancer or her virtual dopplegänger. One of the early works combining dance & digital technology."  --Troika Ranch
Troika Ranch Yearbook for Solo Dancer and Internet Online catalogue of dance segments
Troika Ranch   Reine Rien Projections in a metaphysical dance piece. Title means 'queen nothing'. Beautiful video landscape.
Troika Ranch  Tactile Diaries Dance with video and sensors. Video phone (midi- dancer control); dancer in NY controls video phone feed from dancer in LA
Troika Ranch Yearbook for Solo Dancer and Internet Online catalogue of dance segments
Satorimedia Reflections Dance based on email
shallow link
Sophia Warsh Mapdance the peice involves html pages, 3D representation and live dance.
Julie Wilson Cyborg Dreaming  The piece features the "Bodycoder System which is a sensor array designed to be worn on the body of a dancer which enables real-time, generative and navigational control of audio and visual elements in a piece of live performance." --DPA site
Jago Whitehead Audio Ballerinas   Wearables. "Audio Uniform, based on the design of a ballerinas' tutu, was built using solar cells to power the electronics...the performers to record live sounds...(and featured) electronic looping devices, light sensors, radio wave receivers...on the plexiglas surfaces of the tutus..." --DPA site
Eve Yip Incarnate - dual site performance trial 1 Dance choreography in third space Japan/Australia


Web Events
Name Performance Description Link
Lori Anderson The Green Room Collaborative meeting place for artists/audience online 
Artificial Stage Uncontrollablelements Fflash animated characters, plays w/ video from live previous performances, web plays
Blast Theory  Kidnap A contest was held, the two winners were kidnapped and held for 48hours, the whole thing was webcast
c&t  Cambat Website dead link
c&t  Jump/Shockwave Drama games online for young children dead link
c&t   Mappa Millennium Website; performance based on digital telling of youth experiences (time capusle?). (See DPA) dead link
c&t  (+verb) "+verb is a theatre project for young people. +verb will create a new word through Drama: a verb that defines the aspirations, frustrations and humour of young people today."--DPA site dead link
Slavica Ceperkovic, Michelle Kasprzak  take take, cake cake Feminist slavic woman, a cry against consumerism and domesticity (shallow link)
Corpos Informaticos Research Group  Hungry@Corpos Romote eating
Corpos Informáticos Research Group Folds Day-long experimental performance focused on virtual presence, mixing audience and artist, webcast - little windows of performance, animation, etc.
Shu Lea Cheang  Buy One Get One Peformer without physical address, web persona dead link
Desktop Theatre, Adrienne Jenik Waiting for Godot

Video archives of Waiting For Godot and more.

Desktop actors use avatars in a chatroom to dramatize bits from the Beckett Play as other chatroom visitors mill around
Desperate Optimists Lost Cause "Lost Cause is a sci-fi narrative for the web that is told in 10 parts. Using an evocative sound score, Lost Cause follows a woman as she makes her way through a futuristic city intent on finding and ultimately blowing up the head quarters…" -See DPA for more
Diller + Scofidio Refresh This piece examines the fascination (and reality) of "live" webcams.  "For each of the dozen sites located in the US, Europe and Australia that Diller + Scofidio selected for this project, they have constructed fictional narratives using text and fabricated images. For every site there is a grid of twelve images, one of which is live and refreshes when clicked; the other eleven have been constructed for this project with the aid of hired actors and PhotoShop" --DPA dead link
Electronic Disturbance Theatre,Stefan Wray Digital Zapatismo Digital protest
The Electronic Disturbance Theatre, Ricardo Dominguez "The '' resistance game was launched to protect 'etoy' from aggressive take-over attempts and to win the historic domain name battle."--DPA site
Tim Etchells
Forced Entertainment 
Paradise A fictional city exists on the web as a storehouse of stories created by visitors/participants, building, grouping people together ('a million stories in the naked city..' etc.)
The Gertrude Stein Repertory Theatre The Globe Project "The Globe Project is an on-going initiative, part of the Global Performance Lab program to develop events, demonstrations, and content related to the reconstructed Globe Theatre in London." -DPA site
Davide Grassi Nuclear Body Whole body "copied and pasted" into virtual dimension - video installation
John Hopkins Eight Dialogues Text based communication between (an unemployed researcher) in various locations and various friends and collegues. (performance or communication?) "Loss of the sensual Presence that informs a dialogue can diminish the energy flow inherent in this essential human activity. Mediated communication is easiest at the more practical level of provision of information. The more mediation, the greater the probability that information is the goal rather than substantial and genuine dialogue." -DPA site
G H Hovagimyan Air Dirt Im-port Video confrence, web cam. Chat; portal, post board for artists now that video chat is disabled
Isabelle Jenniches I Do Fly The character Ariel (an actress) waits online - in costume - for one to one online chat with an audience member to dialogue w/via telaconferencing.
Isabelle Jenniches Sensing Presence Nodes correspond with joints on a dancer's body, who repeats the sequences created online by web volunteers. The dancer lays on the floor with an audience in a circle around herself - it is as though she is the center of an internet search
Tina Keane Couch Conversation over webcams with people on the virtual (and actual) couch
Kent Interactive Digital Design Studio (KIDDS), University of Kent Digital Sceneography Confrence website on use of VR/3D to create virtual sets/sceneic design (Midsummer Night's Dream - Mark Reaney)
La Fura dels Baus Big Opera Mundi Webcast; 24 hour world wide millennium party
(horribly flashing, graphic site, difficult to navigate, little text -explination)
La Fura dels Baus Cabinas Teleconfrencing; talking rooms to increase global citizenship awareness "Scientists still haven‘t tested the effects produced between users, but it is believed that, despite the distance, and if unknown people can share experiences unfiltered by the mass media, then it may help increase tolerance." DPA website
Parkbench  ArTistheatre Performance Archive Webcam -voyerism of studio
Parkbench  Web Séance: Brainwave Drawing Two physically disparate performers' EEG (brainwaves) are monitored and accessible to the webaudience "The medium is the Medium in this seance, in which a Web-based, artificially intelligent "chatterbot" leads the seance. The web site gives the audience a place on the web to "join hands," keeps track of those present, and lets them know who else is there with them." -DPA website

shallow link

The Plaintext Players The Birth of the Christ Child Millennial look at the aniversary of the Birth of Christ, a MOO comedy

(shallow link)

Plain Text Players White Whale MOO - online production about what if Moby Dick washed up dead on a beach?
Cary Pepperment Conductor 1: Getting In Touch with Chicken Conductor controls CU-See Me with a chicken and others from inside a box
The Rational Mind Theatre Company Net Seduction Chatroom dead link
Satorimedia In Your Dreams: Hands-On Dance Project  Internet users sent writings on dreams, group composed short dances and posted to website, rehearsals open to video confrencing participation and choosing the order of dances
Michelle Teran Menage a Trois One actor, one writer, one audience member - none in breathing space, chat manipulated (computer on a leash?)
Michelle Teran,
Amanda Steggell

IDORU  On-line meeting and collaboration between digital personae using webcam technology 
shallow link

Camille Utterback Text Rain  Computer user/text as graphics dead link
Wincza Web Dances unclear -possibly a web only project or a shallow link for the listed production (see DPA description for more)
. Shifts'00 - Shifts in Choreography  Dance/choreography community website


Robots & Avatars
Name Performance Description Link
Floating Point Unit: Jeff Gompertz, Bruno Ricard and Volcano (e)mergency room On screen avatars
Davide Grassi,
Darij Kreuh

Brain Score Performance for two operators, acting in a VR environment through avatars, projected 3D so audience can watch
Lynn Hershman Leeson, Ted Williams Tillie - The Telerobotic Doll  Cyborg doll - part of view
Eduardo Kac Darker Than Night Bats interacting with bat bots
Eduardo Kac, Ed Bennett  A positive Simbiotic intravenous blood/ dextrose exchange with bio robot
Eduardo Kac, Ed Bennett  Ornatorrinco in Eden Three site shared control of robot
Brenda Laurel Placeholder VR enviroment, limited users experience point of view of small creatures
Mistresses of Technology  i-drunners: re_flesh the body Avatars
unclear link

Jason Salavon Uirapuru Human transformation myth - amazon, robotic fish sculpture
Joel Slayton  Telepresent Surveillance "Telepresent Surveillance is an evolving artwork/research project incorporating autonomous robot surveillance probes and the internet."--DPA Site Each robot is equipt with a camera and activated by human movement/presence.
Joel Slayton
Radio Controlled Surveillance Probes (RSCP) Project "The project involves 5 surveillance algorithmic methodologies from which heuristic information mapping is used to extract inferenced information about human interactions in a public architectural environment."--DPA site
Video Cabaret, Ven Voisey Ansestral Path Through the Amorphic Landscape  Robots in a staged enviroment controlled by a few operators
Z productions Z lab presents Six performing robots


CD's and Software
Name Performance Description Link
Laurie Anderson  Puppet Motel Inside a dark world of toasters and kitzch --riddled with dubious interactivity
Ping Cao
Paul Vanouse
The Loaded Gesture "Verb is a theatre project for young people. verb will create a new word through Drama: a verb that defines the aspirations, frustrations and humour of young people today." -- DPA Creating a neologism via multimedia and youth participation.
unclear link

Christie Carson Cambridge King Lear on CD-Rom: Text and Perfromance History Archive Lear on CD, historical, versions, etc. Not a live performance

The Chameleons Group, Watson

Chameleons 1: Theatrical Experiments in Style, Genre and Multi-Media  Multimedia  dead link
The Chameleons Group  Chameleons 2: Theatre in a Movie Screen (CD-ROM) See DPA, CD freely distributed demonstrating Group's process and possition on throury from Artaud to Freud no link
The Chameleons Group  Chameleons 1: Theatrical Experiments in Style, Genre and Multi-Media (CD-ROM) CD documenting the digital theatre production: The Dark Perversity of Chameleons no link
Luc Courchesne Portriat One Have a digital conversation with a virtual personality (a photographic portrait brought to "life" via video and computer interface.  The terminal user has a limited ecounter with a woman's bust (floating head) in French, English, Italian, or other languages. " 'May I ask you something?' starts a conversation that will develop according to the visitor's curiosity or Marie's moods. The encounter may be cut short due to a lack of tact or interest, or it may develop into intimate considerations about love in the context of a virtual relationship." --DPA
Critical Art Ensemble  Flesh Machine CD project which allows users to explore and question a fictional bio-tech company's genetic services such as invitro fertilization and cryogenics, yet there was a live perfomance/DNA screening in which participants were genetically screened.
Desperate Optimists Stalking Memory See DPA, six commissioned texts on various themes (six live performances?)

shallow link

Random Dance Company  The Millennarium Cyber dance where 8 performers dance with non-present (virtual or animated) dance elements
(link under development)

Toni Dove Archeology of a Mother Tongue  Artificial Changlings is a film triggered/altered  by user interaction (about a kleptomaniac), the first is a VR enviroment
Tim Etchells
Forced Entertainment
Spin  Pulp fiction death scene (gunshots, drugs, car screeches etc.) is at the center of an interactive film noir narrative  dead link
Tim Etchells
Forced Entertainment
Nightwalks "Nightwalks creates a fragmented cityscape to be explored on CD-ROM, drawing on real places to present an eerie landscape which lies somewhere between a distorted portrait of urban England and a catalogue of frozen locations for an imaginary film. From lost sleepwalkers through murders, lone drunks and inexplicable hallucinations..." -DPA website  dead link
Tim Etchells
Forced Entertainment
Frozen Palaces "The project links a series of disconnected scenes all staged in a large deserted house. In each of the rooms a series of events - from love affairs, murders and ghostly levitation to parties - are halted at some banal or significant moment, while the viewer alone is free to move, explore and investigate." -DPA site dead link
Geese Theatre Company, Jubilee Arts  Lifting the Weight Role playing games for male offenders
half/angel mouthplace CD - "mouthplace is an artists’ CD-ROM which takes the female mouth as its poetic focus, examining through visual, written and uttered texts the ways in which the female mouth is a site of contested and contestable meanings. " -DPA website
Agnes Hegedls  Things Spoken Virtual objects, archiving, digitizing dead link
Lynn Hershman Leeson Deep Contact Video disc allows one to interact with screen character's body via screen touch. (sexual or sensual content)
Igloo Windowningtyeight (also  Viking Shoppers) An international group of artists explore reality/virtuality in Iceland.  (
Riverbed Visionary of Theatre CD on Robert Wilson
shallow link
Andrew Stern  Virtual Babyz Software, desktop 3D animated babies
Treveor Tureski, Don Ritter A Structural Theory of Emotions  Computer program, computer triggered emotions
Roma Patel  Amedee CD of theatre computer scene use
ZKM (Centre for Art and Media Technology) Ballett Frankfurt  Improvisation Technologies CD demonstrating dance techniques via digitized stock footage of ballet company & dance of William Forsythe


Sound & Music
Name Performance Description Link
Aliennation East by West Live music with video projection
CHOREOTECTONICS, Inc.  Bite City Sound trigger, Lifeforms; sound areas created by a installation of wired plexiglass tubes representing nine sound areas in NY are triggered by dancer's movements
Bruce Gilchrist
Jonny Bradley 
Thought Conductor Brainwave database "plays" from match thoughts of audience?  Silent symphonies (See DPA for more)
Eduardo Kac, Ikuo Nakamura Essay Concerning Human Understanding Art installation allowing caged animal to have telematic conversations with members of other species
Tod Machover  Mind Forest -Part of Brain Opera Sound installlation
Lisa Naugle Cassandra Music collaboration between various countries broken link
Lisa Naugle Millimicron Sensors in floor and stairs triggered by dancers' steps producting sound dead link
Norie Neumark, Greg White, Janet Vaughan Shock in The Ear  "Shock in the Ear evokes the moment of shock and its aftermath, as a sensual experience. . . an intense and poetic work, composed through interactive stories, performances, music, sound, and screens."--DPA site
dead link
Andrea Polli Shadow Walk Gallery sound walk -installation
Stephan Silver Synfonica Motion sensing - sound/image installation, feedback dependent on participation


Other Performance
Name Performance Description Link
Audio Gruppe Cellular Buddies Wired clothing; four performers in wired komonos perform in various environments, museumetc.
Between Nature Between Nature Conference on nature and technology, performance
Blast Theory,  The Computer Research Group, Nottingham University  Desert Rain

An a mazing interactive simulation of wartime activities in the middle east etc.  Giving each participant a diffrent persepective on the situation. 

"Desert Rain sends you on a mission into a virtual world . . . standing on a footplate and zipped into a cubicle, each of the six team members explores motels, deserts and underground bunkers, communicating with each other within the virtual world . . . a world projected onto a screen of falling water. You have 30 minutes to find the target, complete the mission, and get to the final room, where others may have a very different idea of what actually happened out there . . . On arrival, six visitors at a time enter a small antechamber. They are given a magnetic swipe card of a person they must find. They leave their coats and bags and put on hooded black jackets. The visitors are then lead in total darkness into the next space."--From DPA
Joel Slayton,
Panamint Launch at Lucky Jim Wash  Rocket launching
Lewis Cohen, Arthur Kroker, Marilouise Kroker  Road stories For the flesh eating future Documentary about the future of being human (physically) (robots, homelessness, Nazi crimes)
Luc Courchesne Landscape One Animated characters lead real visitors through a projected landscape "real visitors are using virtual characters to steer their way through space, the nature of visitor's relationship to the character will define the space - physical or metaphorical"--DPA.  The visitors can be abandoned or, with the help of a character, reach their desitination.  An experiment in communication.
Corpos Informáticos Research Group Folds
"An internet performance by members of the group in USA, Brazil, and on site in Paris. The evening was followed by a photography exhibition and a video screen series of the group’s work."--DPA site
Corpos Informáticos Research Group Entrasite
similar description
Corpos Informáticos Research Group Hungry@Corpos
A "hypermedia event, a virtual banquet." --DPA site
Corpos Informáticos Research Group
"Knowledge allows treating, mistreating, and above all, betraying. The body resists every treatment. The machine performs. Corpos Informaticos’ first public experience in tele-performance was the telepresence at Inforporto. During the six hours of the event, the tele-performance allowed members of the group in Philadelphia and Paris to participate together with the public in the gallery space at Brasília, Brazil." --DPA site
Corpos Informáticos Research Group Media@terra "Medi@terra was a multimedia evening with internet performance by members of the group in USA, Brazil, and at the event Media@terra Symposium and its Interactive Art Exhibition opening in Athens. The event counted with a multimedia installation and participants via internet from all over the world."--DPA site
Department of Computer Science, University College London Acting in VR  Rehearsal, not performance
Steffi Domike,
Michael Mateas,
Paul Vanouse
Terminal Time Audience chooses the order of "history" clips played by the computer
Eduardo Kac Time Capsule Gallery audience watches him get an implant or "chipped" like a cat at the pound. "I register myself via the Web in a remote database located in the United States. This is the first instance of a human being added to the database, since this registry was originally designed for identification and recovery of lost animals. I register myself both as animal and owner under my own name. "
Motherboard Hotwired Live Electronic Resistance Network Art Party Plan  Talking fish for dinner - wired - may not have been organized, prestructured
Plain Text Players Orpheus (Also, Gutter City, Little Hamlet) Orpheus myth updated to musician in Venice dead link
Roma Patel  Amédée Set design
Riverbed  If By Chance Motion capture, projection, animation; "It was to be a digital animation created to trigger the subconscious projection of narrative within its viewers... Picture something that works like Rorschach inkblots ...Imagine a sequence of simple animated figures (all abstractions: circle, square, triangle, etc.) that interact with one another in such a way as to suggest stories. Many of the animations are driven by sampled human motions, so that while abstract in graphic representation, they will have an oddly human presence." --From DPA site dead link
SKÂRT survival coupons "SURVIVAL COUPONS"produced by Skart, are the warning objects of living/social and personal controls, limits and wishes (coupons for power, fear, masturbation, relaxation, money, orgasm...). They will be giving to the people (together with the instruction for using) by the actions in public spaces.." --DPA site
(unable to find perf. link)

Talking Birds Recent Past  Live musicans score a silent travel film projected on three screens.
Nicholas Tandavanit 98.6 FM  No indication of "stage" audience, script - sounds like a happening
Michelle Teran IDORU  Webcast, CU-See Me not functioning
Erwin Veytia Drive in Camillo  Like a happening? in German dead link
Peter Weyrauch The Consentual Fantasy Engine Computer/audience interactive video
Geri Wittig You Don't See That You Don't See Technology used in subject but not used in the show
Bill Zarchy Concieving Ada Feature film using digitally projected sets, on Ada Byron Lovelace http//