/* cgi-util.c created by Bill Kendrick kendrick@zippy.sonoma.edu http://zippy.sonoma.edu/~kendrick/ based on "post-query.c" and "query.c" by NCSA New Breed Software April 6, 1996 - October 8, 1996 */ #include #ifndef NO_STDLIB_H #include #else char *getenv(); #endif #include #include "cgi-util.h" #define LF 10 #define CR 13 void getword(char *word, char *line, char stop) { int x, y; for(x = 0; ((line[x]) && (line[x] != stop)); x++) word[x] = line[x]; word[x] = '\0'; if (line[x]) ++x; y=0; while (line[y++] = line[x++]); } char *makeword(char *line, char stop) { int x,y; char *word = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(line) + 1)); for(x = 0; ((line[x]) && (line[x] != stop)); x++) word[x] = line[x]; word[x] = '\0'; if (line[x]) ++x; y=0; while (line[y++] = line[x++]); return word; } char *fmakeword(FILE *f, char stop, int *cl) { int wsize; char *word; int ll; wsize = 102400; ll=0; word = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (wsize + 1)); while (1) { word[ll] = (char)fgetc(f); if (ll==wsize) { word[ll+1] = '\0'; wsize += 102400; word = (char *)realloc(word,sizeof(char)*(wsize+1)); } --(*cl); if ((word[ll] == stop) || (feof(f)) || (!(*cl))) { if (word[ll] != stop) ll++; word[ll] = '\0'; return word; } ++ll; } } char x2c(char *what) { register char digit; digit = (what[0] >= 'A' ? ((what[0] & 0xdf) - 'A')+10 : (what[0] - '0')); digit *= 16; digit += (what[1] >= 'A' ? ((what[1] & 0xdf) - 'A')+10 : (what[1] - '0')); return (digit); } void unescape_url(char *url) { register int x,y; for (x=0, y=0; url[y]; ++x, ++y) { if ((url[x] = url[y]) == '%') { url[x] = x2c(&url[y+1]); y+=2; } } url[x] = '\0'; } void plustospace(char *str) { register int x; for (x=0; str[x]; x++) if (str[x] == '+') str[x] = ' '; } int rind(char *s, char c) { register int x; for (x = strlen(s) - 1; x != -1; x--) if(s[x] == c) return x; return -1; } int getline(char *s, int n, FILE *f) { register int i=0; while(1) { s[i] = (char)fgetc(f); if (s[i] == CR) s[i] = fgetc(f); if ((s[i] == 0x4) || (s[i] == LF) || (i == (n-1))) { s[i] = '\0'; return (feof(f) ? 1 : 0); } ++i; } } void send_fd(FILE *f, FILE *fd) { int num_chars=0; char c; while (1) { c = fgetc(f); if(feof(f)) return; fputc(c,fd); } } int ind(char *s, char c) { register int x; for (x=0; s[x]; x++) if(s[x] == c) return x; return -1; } void escape_shell_cmd(char *cmd) { register int x,y,l; l=strlen(cmd); for (x=0; cmd[x]; x++) { if (ind("&;`'\"|*?~<>^()[]{}$\\",cmd[x]) != -1) { for(y = l + 1; y > x; y--) cmd[y] = cmd[y-1]; l++; cmd[x] = '\\'; x++; } } } void cgiinit(void) { register int x; int cl; char * qcl; if (getenv("REQUEST_METHOD") == NULL) { VIA_SHELL = 1; NUM_ENTRIES = 0; } else { VIA_SHELL = 0; if (strcmp(getenv("REQUEST_METHOD"),"POST") == 0) { if(strcmp(getenv("CONTENT_TYPE"), "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) { printf("Content-type: text/html\n\n"); printf("

Incorrect Type

\n"); printf("Type must be 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.\n"); exit(0); } cl = atoi(getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH")); for (x = 0; cl && (!feof(stdin)); x++) { NUM_ENTRIES = x; strcpy(entries[x].val, fmakeword(stdin,'&',&cl)); plustospace(entries[x].val); unescape_url(entries[x].val); strcpy(entries[x].name, makeword(entries[x].val,'=')); } } else if (strcmp(getenv("REQUEST_METHOD"),"GET") == 0) { qcl = getenv("QUERY_STRING"); if (qcl == NULL) exit(0); for (x = 0; qcl[0] != '\0'; x++) { NUM_ENTRIES = x; getword(entries[x].val, qcl, '&'); plustospace(entries[x].val); unescape_url(entries[x].val); getword(entries[x].name, entries[x].val, '='); } } else { printf("Content-type: text/html\n\n"); printf("

Unknown method

\n"); printf("The form was submitted with an unknown method!\n"); exit(0); } } } void getentry(char * buf, char *s) { int x; strcpy(buf,""); if (VIA_SHELL == 0) { for (x = 0; x <= NUM_ENTRIES; x++) if (strcmp(entries[x].name,s) == 0) strcpy(buf,entries[x].val); } else { printf("CGI-UTIL: \"%s\" ? ", s); fgets(buf, 512, stdin); buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0'; } } int getentryasint(char *s) { char buf[512]; int x, v; v = 0; if (VIA_SHELL == 0) { for (x = 0; x <= NUM_ENTRIES; x++) if (strcmp(entries[x].name,s) == 0) v = atoi(entries[x].val); } else { printf("CGI-UTIL: \"%s\" ? ", s); fgets(buf, 512, stdin); buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0'; v = atoi(buf); } return(v); } int getentryyesno(char *s, int def) { char temp[512]; int x, v; v = def; getentry(temp, s); if (strcasecmp(temp, "yes") == 0 || strcasecmp(temp, "on") == 0) v = 1; else if (strcasecmp(temp, "no") == 0 || strcasecmp(temp, "off") == 0) v = 0; return(v); }