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Pets Are Loving Support is a non-profit agency organized to improve the quality of life of people with AIDS by preserving and promoting the human/animal bond through the care and maintenance of their animal companions.
As a voluntary service agency, we want to provide the best care possible for our clients and their pets. We recommend spay and neutering for all animals. We actively engage in outreach to educate the HIV community and alert potential clients of our services. We also serve as a source of information on zoonoses (diseases transmitted from animals to humans) and other educational concerns related to our clientelle.
We provide referrals to individuals and clients for services we do not provide, and we work closely with other agencies who might serve our clients such as Face to Face, The Network, and the Sonoma County Humane Society, all of which are in in Sonoma County, California.
Although PALS has a reputation in education and service to people with AIDS, there are still misconceptions and confusion about our mission. Simply, as put forth in our mission statement, PALS helps people with AIDS keep their companion animals for as long as possible. This list is meant to be a helpful guide to situations that might arise. If you have any questions about a proper course of action please telephone at (707) 887-2729.
We Do:
Enable people with AIDS to keep and care for their animal companions and to enjoy their company.
Enable people with AIDS to continue to enjoy the medical and emotional benefits that their animal companions provide.
Provide immediate assistance to clients upon registration. Application, proof of SSI or financial need and letter of diagnosis required.
Provide volunteers to exercise animals for clients whose health prevents it.
Cage, tank and litter box cleaning and other hygienic assistance for clients whose health requires it.
Regular home deliveries of free pet food for clients with limited mobility.
Foster care and adoption services for our clients' animals when necessary.
Coordinate visits to the veterinarian and vaccination clinics. Provide transportation for pets of clients with limited mobility.
Arrange discounted veterinary services for our clients' animals, and provide an interest free loan and payment plan for clients with financial needs.
We Don't:
Provide services for someone with AIDS who is not a client of PALS.
Have a program to take animals to visit people in hospitals.
Help find homes for pets, except for our clients'.
Help people with terminal diseases other than AIDS (at this time).
Automatically pay vet bills for every client.
Find homes for litters born to a clients companion animals.
Function as part of the SPCA (although we maintain open communications with other animal and AIDS organizations and have just become a trial program of the Sonoma County Humane Society).
Receive funding from County, City or Federal Government or any other social service.
Have direct branches outside of the Sonoma County area - we have sister organizations throughout the northern hemisphere.
Give animals to people with AIDS except as part of our adoption program.