For your convenience Mastercard, Visa, cash and checks are all accepted for reservation deposits, payments or payment in full.
Canoe and Kayak Rentals | |
Full Day | $55.00 |
1/2 Day | $45.00 |
Shuttle Transportation | $3.00 |
Canoe Trips | |
2 Day Trip | $75.00 |
Each Additional Day | $20.00 |
Personal Canoe and Kayak Fees | |
Launch | $5.00 |
Shuttle | $5.00 |
Parking | $5.00 |
Camping | |
Per Person Per Night | $10.00 |
Per Person Per Night With Canoe Trip | $7.50 |
Prices and Policies are subject to change without notice Trowbridge Recreation, Inc. reserves the right to cancel reservations in the event of adverse weather conditions. |