Hi, we're Genie and Boyd Davis...

     Thank you so much taking the time to find out who we are. We know that you have chosen adoption out of love for your child and we have the utmost respect and appreciation of you for making this decision. 
     We hope very much to become parents soon and have chosen open adoption because we feel it is so important for our child to know he or she was and is loved by his or her birthparents. We want our child's birthparents to be involved in our child's life.
     We know every birthmother is looking for something special in her search for the ideal parents.  We wish you luck in finding the right people to bring up your child and hope that we might be the lucky couple you choose.   Please keep reading to find out more about who we are.  We'd love to hear from you!  You can email us at bngdavis @sonic.net or call us toll free at 800-766-6848 (code 9805) .
"The best and most beautiful things in the world
cannot be  seen or even touched. 
They must be felt with the heart." 
About us
Boyd tells about Genie
Genie tells about Boyd
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We belive the most precious thing a parent can give a child is quality time and unconditional love.   As soon to be parents, we look forward to spending years full of precious moments, answering his or her endless questions about the world, wiping away tears, introducing him or her to the miracles of nature, and helping him or her over life's hurdles. 
Who we are. . . We are a very loving, happy and adventurous couple. Our home is full of laughter as we have a fun and playful friendship and marriage. Boyd is a carpenter and Genie a teacher and we met when Boyd was remodeling Genie's school. We live in the historic section of Petaluma, California 35 minutes north of San Francisco and 30 minutes from the beach. Our neighborhood is full of beautiful old homes, wonderfully warm people and a great park up the street where we can't wait to take our child to play on the swings. We both come from big families that live close by and everyone is anxiously awaiting the new addition to our family.
Genie plays in Nonnie and Poppi's (grandparents) pool with our niece.  She looks forward to teaching our child to swim there too.
Boyd tells about Genie. . .

            "Ginger and spice and everything nice, that's Genie. I call her my flower fairy.  She loves nature and wild flowers.  She's even nice to spiders.  Genie especially loves children and plans her summer break around her nieces and nephews so she can take them to the beach, the fair and just spend quality time with them. 
           Genie is young at heart and very spirited.  She has created a beautiful garden and makes killer brownies.  She shares with me a love like I've never known and I know a child would be blessed to have her as a mom.  I look forward to raising a child with her."

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Genie tells about Boyd. . .
   "Boyd is one of the kindest and most generous people I've ever met.  He is also very funny and a joy to be around.  He goes out of his way to be helpful to everyone.  He is the eternal Boy Scout.  Boyd likes to collect coins and take photos.  He is a BBQ whiz but his specialty is homemade ice cream. Every day I feel like the luckiest woman in the world to be married to him.
        Boyd loves children and will be a wonderful dad. He is a great listener and gives awesome hugs.   At family gatherings you 'll always find him off with the kids catching crawdads, splashing in the pool, playing hide and seek or making ice cream." 

Boyd makes our nephew 
Sammy laugh.
Our backgrounds and jobs 
     Boyd grew up in Oregon and the San Francisco Bay Area. He studied for two years at Chabot College and spent four years in a Carpenter Apprenticeship training program. He has been working as a Union Journeyman Carpenter ever since and works on many big projects in San Francisco. He also has been remodeling our house and transforming it into a real jewel.
     Genie grew up in the bay area as well and graduated from U.C. Santa Cruz. After teaching pre-school and working with troubled teens for several years, she went on to get her Bilingual Teaching Credential. She taught first grade for five years and now teaches third grade at a charter school. She is bilingual and is helping Boyd learn Spanish. We plan to take turns taking time off from our jobs so we can be stay at home parents. We feel it is important that our child spend with each of us.
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     Our families are very important to us. Our child will be surrounded and loved by cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents most of whom live about 30 minutes away and some including an adopted cousin that are just a mile across town. We also take regular trips to Oregon, South Dakota and Southern California to visit those who live a little farther away. We are a very close family and spend lots of time doing fun things together like going camping, to the beach, kids' soccer games, to the zoo, or just hanging out by Nonnie and Poppie's pool. We feel lucky to have a family that is such a tremendous source of joy and support.
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We love to take walks and go for picnics in the redwoods.

Our lifestyle
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. Although that's not our quote, it says a lot about the kind of life we lead and the way we want to raise our child. We do not lead a fancy life and we truly believe that the most important thing in life is to love and feel loved. We value spending quality time together and bringing laughter to the hearts of those close to us. We enjoy seeing the world and spending time in nature. We hope to take our child many beautiful places all over the world including those close to home. We spend lots of time doing simple things that seem too frequently to get forgotten in the hustle. In the evenings we often take walks or play games or read to each other. Although we don't watch T.V, we enjoy renting old movies. And because we believe living well means eating well, we strive to avoid fast food and buy organic food so we will always be healthy.

We love water sports. 
Boyd's favorite is body surfing.
Thank you for  taking the time to find out more about us.  We really hope we hear from you.  You can call us toll free at 1-800- 766-6848 (code 9805).  If you'd like to reach our adoption counselors at the Independent Adoption Center, you can call them at 1-800-877-6736.  If you'd like to email us our address is bngdavis@sonic.net.  We look forward to talking to you!
About us
Boyd tells about Genie
Genie tells about Boyd
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