Welcome to our world!!


Boyds having  a bad hair day!

Boyd with his sisters Rosa and Nicole 
and his brother Edgar.

Boyd's parents Ernie and Noreen live in South Dakota.  We try to visit otfen.

It's handy to have the camera around  to capure these precious moments.

Robin Hood and the fairy.

A winter trip to the snow.

Genie and niece Caroline crank ice cream 
at the family cabin.


Our niece Caroline and nephew Sam splash in the Tuolumne River during a family camping trip to Yosmite National Park.

Sam and Caroline get some help with their airplane from Uncle Boyd.


Boyd loves to take photos!


Our nieces Nellie and Caroline love 
to play in the hot tub.


"When are we going to get a new cousin??"

Sam adores his cousin Caroline.

Boyd loves to relax at the beach.

Genie and her dad help her  niece and nephew roast marshmellows

Genie love children's books and believes in reading to children from the day they are born. 

Genie enjoys making music with her sisters Susanna and Anne Marie.  We are a very musical family.

We love to spend time outdoors.  Especially camping near wild rivers.

Genie and her Dad dance together
at a masquerade party.

Genie loves to fly fish. Here she's helping her nephew Sam with his first fishing experience. 

In our family no one is ever too old for a wagon ride!  Genie's brother Matt takes  mom for a ride on Mother's day.

More summer outings!

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