All ceramic restorations

porcelain crowns are comprised of a ceramic baked onto a metal substructure.
This has been the standard for many years. The metal provides a tremendous
amount of strength to the restoration. The downside, however, is that
sometimes the cosmetics leave a little to be desired and the gum tissue
can be discolored after a period of time, the so-called blackline
sometimes seen around these restorations.
the last few years we have been provided with the technology to fabricate
all porcelain crowns and veneers that are unequaled in their optical properties
as well as tissue tolerance. Though not quite as strong as the standard
metal-ceramic restoration, they are strong enough to be used in many situations
in the front of the mouth.
view - note the amount of wear on the teeth. |
All ceramic Procera crowns |
Smiling view |