Terry L. Eggleston, DDS Debora Rayhan, DDS Vu Huynh, DMD
have revolutionized the practice of dentistry. In the early 1960s
Dr. P. Branemark in Sweden developed a technology that enabled titanium
roots to integrate with living bone cells. This concept was
tested exhaustively with ten year studies on patients beginning in the
late sixties. This technology came to the U.S. in the early eighties.
can be used for single tooth replacement, bridge replacement, or to support
and retain removable dentures. Perhaps the best service provided is that
of providing stabilization of a lower full denture. After teeth are extracted
the lower bone shrinks for the remainder of the life of the patient, resulting
in the inability to wear a denture in later years. A simple metal bar
can be placed on the implants and the denture held in with clips.