Post Modernism
Post Modernism is a belief that there isn't some big truth in the world, that there isn't some grand unified theory of everything. Post Modernists would say that every person and every group has their own truth, and has their own reality. If you take a look around you, Post modernism is all around you, even if you don't know it. It is in Art, it is in Buildings, it is in Furniture, is it in Fashion, it is in Literature, and it is in movies, it is in almost everything.

There is a pretty well known movie that is a shining example of post modernism, The Matrix. The Matrix is set around a post apocalyptic world that is controlled by machines, and they have “farms” of humans and use them for power. The machines have everyone 'jacked in' to this alternate world called 'The Matrix.' The Matrix is designed to be the 'real world' or so everyone thinks, and the premise of the story is that a group of humans have figured out a way to leave the matrix and have set up a base underground. Through the movie they switch between the matrix and the real world, which in itself are two vastly different truths. Also in the movie you don't definitively know that the matrix is the made up world and the 'real world' is the real one, which is the trippy part. If you think about this movie, and the rate computing power is advancing, at some point, something like the matrix will be possible. There is the possibility that we already in a matrix like simulation, and our entire existence and everything we know and think we know is just a computer program, running on some supper computer, so our entire existence, according to a Modernist, would be false, but according to a Post Modernists out reality, our existence, our truth is our truth, even tho it might be completely false, but it is still our own little truth.

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When you think of a house you think of a house, single story, maybe two, and it has a medium tall pointed roof with shingles and tit has wood on the outside and sheet rock walls, and it's frame is built of wood. Maybe the house has a steel frame, or a metal roof, but the basic shape of a house is what you always think of. Now admittedly there are some pretty strange houses, a shoe, a basket, and many other strange shapes, but when someone says they live in a house you pretty much know what they are talking about, but there is several groups out there to change that, not because its bad or wrong, but because they can. One such groups is a group who believe that using recycled materials for building. They may use many recycled materials for building, but they mostly still look like a house. However there is a small group of people and companies that use old shipping containers as the base for their house. Shipping containers come in two basic sizes, 20' and 40', they are 8' wide and 8' tall, giving you 160 and 320 square feet. Most people put several containers together to get a reasonable size, but there are a few people who have used one container to make a portable hunting cabin like house. There has also been several apartment building made from shipping containers. There is one company that even sells prefab houses for under $200,000 that is 3 bedroom, 2 and ½ bath, and more than 2000 square feet, and is 75% recycled material by weight. There have also been several really nice, 3 or 4 story houses, that would normally cost over a million dollars, but probably were under $500,000, and it could be ordered, shipped and assembled in less than a year. This is post modern because it changes your idea of what a house it, what it looks like and how you use it.


There is even post modernism in music, even tho it may not be as evident. There is one band in particular that I am quite familiar with that was quite revolutionary in its use of their instruments. They are a heavy metal band from Finland, which is nothing special. A normal heavy metal band has a drummer, a 2 guitarists, a bass player and lead singer, on the contrary Apocalyptica has 4 to 5 members, depending on the song, they have 4 main guys who play on cellos, and sometimes a drummer. They were not the first band to play heavy metal on cellos, but they were the first to become widely recognized. They started of doing covers of other bands songs, and they did a whole album tribute to Metallica, entirely on 4 cellos, but they started writing their own songs. They are post modern because they take what you think of a heavy metal band and throw it out the window.