Terry Lankan


About Me
After college I worked as an antipoverty advocate in Houston, and I fought to get kids after school programs to keep them out of trouble and away from gangs. I Served on the Houston City Council for almost 10 years, after that i Served as Mayor for 2 terms. I then served as the U.S. representative from Texas for 8 terms.

I am also married, i have been for 20 years, I have twin sons who are 17, and I have a daughter who is 13.


Why you should vote for Terry Lankan:

Health Care:
Lankan supports providing publicly subsidized health insurance to needy children and to any elderly or disabled person who applies for it.  Lankan also feels that publicly subsidized health insurance for the needy should cover 100% of drug costs.
Reducing poverty levels is very important to Lankan, who grew up in extreme poverty and now supports universal, full-day preschool and kindergarten for all children living in poverty.  Lankan wants to expand subsidized housing and Medicaid, the publicly subsidized health insurance program for the poor, to include new immigrants.  Lankan also supports time limits on welfare benefits so that people will move toward financial independence rather than relying on government handouts. 
The environment is a serious concern for Lankan, who supports tax credits for both individuals and businesses who voluntarily commit to reducing carbon emissions through the use of solar power, hybrid cars, and other methods. Lankan also supports tax credits for businesses that invest in alternative energy research and feels that the government should offer other incentives to the oil and auto-manufacturing industries to encourage them to turn to alternative fuel production and consumption.
Lankan is in favor of an immigration policy that encourages undocumented immigrants to apply for permanent resident status rather than deporting people who are in the country illegally. Lankan wants to see the process for becoming a citizen become less rigorous and time-consuming and thinks that a more straightforward approach for attaining citizenship will discourage people from coming to the United States illegally. Lankan also wants to put in place a program that will encourage businesses to help undocumented-immigrant employees apply for citizenship.
She opposes the death penalty for everything except terrorism, because the death penalty has never been an effective deterrent for preventing crime, but instead he supports rehabilitation of first time offenders and more emphasis on preventing crime in the first place. Lankan also believes that citizens should not be allowed to own handguns because they are tho must frequently used to commit crimes.
Lankan is worried that in foreign policy the United States is viewed as an aggressive and imperial nation. He would like to see the United states play the lead roll in strengthening the UN, and expects that to take some pressure off the U.S. Military to act as the worlds police force. He also wants to increase the States Department's roll in Military planning.
Specific Goals

Tax credits for individuals and businesses who commit to reducing carbon emissions

Strengthen United Nations

Reduce role of military as a global police force

More military planning

Publicly subsidized health care

100% health insurance for the needy

Reducing poverty

Subsidized housing and Medicaid for immigrants

Time limits on welfare benefits to encourage financial independence

Encourage immigrants to become citizens

Simplify process of citizenship to encourage legal residency

Lankan is Jankin'
