Pulsar Class Warp Fighter
A warp-capable long-range fighter, designed for (possibly) long-term occupancy by a single pilot.
- Mass: 118,000 lbs (53,000 kg)
- Volume: 3,700 cf (Size Modifier: +6)
- PD: 8 (Deflector Field)
- Structural HT: 12
- DR: 4000 (750 laminate, 1250 ablative, 2000 force screen)
- Hit Points:
- Body: 4029
- Turrets 1-2: 224
- Turrets 3-4: 149
- Pods 1-2: 407
- Radical Stealth and Emission Cloaking (-16 to detect)
- Intruder Chameleon System
- IFF System
- Laser/Radar Detector
- Area Radar Jammer (Jam 14)
- Deceptive Radar Jammer (Jam 10)
- Reactionless Drive: sAccel = 2.55g = 55.8 mph/s
- Warp Speed: 1.03 pc/day
- Contragrav lift: 200,000 lbs
- Light Compact X-Laser: RoF 8; Dam. 6dx26(2) Imp; 1/2D 144,000 (x100
in space); Acc 30; SS 30; Energy 850,000 kWs for RoF 8 (mounted in
port pod)
- Light Compact Neutral Particle Beam: RoF 1; Dam 6dx186 Imp; 1/2D
58,000 (x50 in space); Acc 27; SS 30; Energy 280,000 kWs (mounted
in starboard pod)
- 150mm Launch Tube for standard micromissile (mounted in body)
There are four turrets with sensor arrays, giving full 4-pi coverage around the fighter.
The two forward turrets (mounted above and below the nose) each have an AESA (Range 2,000mi (20,000mi in space), Scan 31 (37 in space)), a PESA (Range 1,000mi (10,000mi in space), Scan 29 (35 in space)), and a Multiscanner (Range 1,000mi, Scan 29).
The two rear turrents (to the left and right of the main hull) each have an AESA (Range 2,000mi (20,000mi in space), Scan 31 (37 in space)), and a PESA (Range 450mi (4,500mi in space), Scan 27 (33 in space)).
In addition, the fighter has a gravscanner with a range of 45 miles (Scan 21) mounted inside its hull.
The fighter is equipped with Gravitic (range 10,000,000mi), Neutrino (range 1,000,000mi), and Radio (range 5,000,000mi) communicators.
The fighter's computer is a Complexity 7 minicomputer with a robot brain, capable of piloting the ship. A standard array of software is supplied with the computer.
Power systems
The fighter has a 65,000 kW fusion reactor, and a 20,000,000 kWs energy bank (enough for ~20 rounds of fire from the X-laser, or ~70 rounds of fire from the particle beam).
The fighter has a ST 100 tractor beam. It is accessable via a forcelock. It has a vehicle bay designed specifically for the standard Rangers hoverbike (a one-man open-seat GEV vehicle). It has a cargo bay capable of carrying 2,000lbs of cargo. There is a single crew station in the bridge/cockpit, and a single cabin. A total life system provides indefinite support and food for one plot.