Omar's In Nomine Resources
- Introduction to In Nomine
- A quick overview of the game for those who are not familiar with
it. If you don't have the core rules book, read this to figure out
what it's all about. It should give you enough information to figure
out what sort of character you would want to play.
- The Setting
- Setting info for my the In Nomine when I am GMing. Includes an
overview of my take on In Nomine, as well as links to detailed
information about locations and characters found in a number of
- Omar's In Nomine Campaign
- A campaign I'm rran with a gaming group in Nashville back in
- The Redemption of Eli
- A play-by-post campaign that started on the Steve Jackson
Games forums, but that fizzled out (sadly) in early
- In Nomine Disturbance Calculator
- A Java applet that will calculate the Perception rolls needed to
detect a given Disturbance, and which will show plots to help you
visualize how far away a given disturbance can be heard. Includes
the standard In Nomine rules, my own house rule for
Disturbance, and the rules from my Fudge In Nomine.
- Fudge In Nomine
- A conversion of In Nomine to Fudge.