Boxed Sets and General Books
- Planescape
- Planes of Chaos
- Planes of Law
- Planes of Conflict
- Hellbound: The Blood War
- The Planewalker's Handbook
- On Hallowed Ground

(TSR #2600, 1994)
The core boxed set about the setting, which started it all. This one is essential. It gives the overview of the planes and how things work, as well as describing what it is about the setting that makes it Planescape (as opposed to just an anthology setting of "all those planes"). It also gives a fair amount of information about Sigil, the assumed default "home city" for a Planescape campaign, and the factions that control a lot of what goes on in Sigil. Makes for great reading; it's what got me hooked on Planescape in the first place.
What comes in the box:
- A Player's Guide to the Planes
- A DM Guide to the Planes
- Sigil and Beyond: A book about Sigil and the Outlands
Monstrous Supplement: A book of monsters (32 pages) - Several folded maps (Sigil, the Planes, the Outlands, the factions)

Planes of Chaos
(TSR #2603, 1994)
More information, plus detailed information about several sites on, the five planes on the "right" side of the Great Wheel: Arborea, Ysgard, Limbo, Pandemonium, and the Abyss.
What comes in the box:
- The Travelogue: A book for Players and GMs. (48 pages)
- The Book of Chaos: A book for GMs with information about each plane. (128 pages)
- Chaos Adventures: Fifteen brief adventure outlines, three for each plane of chaos. (32 pages)
- Several folder poster-size maps of the planes.

Planes of Law
(TSR #2607, 1995)
More information, plus detailed information about several sites on, the five planes on the "left" side of the Great Wheel: Mt. Celestia, Arcadia, Mechanus, Acheron, and Baator. In addition to a Player's Guide (32p), there is a single small (32p) booklet for each of the other planes. Also in the box is a 32-page monstrous supplement, and a folded map for each outer plane.

Planes of Conflict
(TSR #2615, 1995)
More information about the remaining outer planes. There is a Player's book (32pp) with information for players about all six of the planes of conflict. One GM's book (64pp) covers the three upper planes (Bytopia, Elysium, and the Beastlands), and another (64pp) covers the three lower planes (Gehenna, the Grey Waste, and Carceri). In addition, there is the expected 32-page monstrous supplement, and a 32-page book with four adventures based in the planes of conflict.

Hellbound: The Blood War
(TSR #2621, 1996)
All about the eternal war between the Tanari'i and the Baatezu which rages across the lower planes. Includes several adventures. Good stuff if you are thinking about bringing the Blood War in as part of the plot of your games, or if you are interested in having players travers the lower planes.

The Planewalker's Handbook
(TSR #2620, 1996)
A general book all about Planescape. Much, though not all, of the information here may be found in other products, but it's nice to have a lot of it in one place. Included are descriptions of all the planes suitable for players, tips and tricks for using gates and conduits, a summary of how the sundry planes affect magic, and other information. A few new races are introduced (rogue modrons, genasi, aasimar). There are also a fair number of Planescape-specific rules extentions for AD&D. Although I personally find less directly useful, the descriptions of planar archetypes is useful, similar to the "characters" section found in (especially older) GURPS books which give hints and ideas for the sort of character one might want to create for the setting.

On Hallowed Ground
(TSR #2624, 1996)
A 192-page book all about the Powers. It starts with extensive information about how characters relate to the Powers, focusing (naturally) on priests and proxies. There is a chapter on petitioners, and what their deal is. There is general information about how Powers interact with the rest of the multiverse (including through the use of avatars), about realms, how factions relate to powers, and near-powers (e.g. Abyssal Lords, Slaadi Lords, etc.). Finally, there are descriptions of the nature, realms, and sects of several pantehons of powers.
Last modified 2012-11-22 by Omar.