The Rule of Threes


GURPS Panescape




All Tanar'ri are based on the following General Tanar'ri template.

General Tanar'ri Template [542 points]

  • Planar [-2]

  • DR 6 (vs. Cold/Ice, Magical Fire, -40%) [18]
  • DR 20 (Nonmagical Fire; Common, -40%) [60]
  • Dark Vision [25]
  • Infravision [10]
  • High Pain Threshold [10]
  • Resistant to Poison (Common, +3) [5]
  • Unaging [15]

  • Telecommunication (Telesend; Universal, +50%) [45]
  • Mind Reading (Universal, +50%; Telecommunication, -20%) [39]

  • Obscure/10 (Darkness; Ranged, +50%; Reduced Range, 10yds, -30%; Extended, +20%; Extended Duration, 30s, +20%) [32 points]

  • Jumper (World; Extra Carrying Capacity (Medium), +20%; New Worlds, +50%; Warp Jump, +10%) [180]
  • Warp (Blind, +50%; Extra Carrying Capacity (Medium), +20%; Warp Jump, +10%) [180]

  • Bloodlust [-10]
  • Bully [-10]
  • Enemy (Baatezu, utterly formidable, hunter, appears rarely (6-)) [-20]
  • Greed [-15]
  • Sadism [-15]
  • Selfish [-5]



(Lesser Tanar'ri, PSMC 1

Alu-Fiend Template [817 points]

  • ST 13 [30]
  • DX 12 [40]
  • HT 12 [20]
  • Danger Sense [15]
  • Combat Reflexes [15]
  • Attractive Appearance [4]
  • DR 10 (vs. non-magical, non-cold-wrought-iron weapons, Very Common, -20%) [40]
  • Morph (Cosmetic, -50%) [50]
  • DR 4 (Tough Skin, -40%) [12]
  • Flight (Winged) [30]

  • Magery/1 (Innate, -40% to lvl 1) [11]
  • Innate Spell: Loyalty at IQ+Magery [4]
  • Innate Spell: Suggestion at IQ+Magery [4]

Most Alu-Fiends have very good weapon skils. Some are full-on mages.


Cambion, Major

(Lesser Tanar'ri, PSMC 1

Cambion Template [868 points]

  • Tanar'ri [542]

  • ST 15 [50]
  • DX 13 [60]
  • HT 13 [30]
  • HP +5 [10]
  • DR 4 (Tough Skin, -40%) [12]
  • Combat Reflexes [15]
  • Morph (3/day, -20%) [80]
  • Detect (Magic, Occasional) [10]
  • Terror (Melee Attack, -30%) [21]
  • Telekinesis/10 [50]

  • Hideous Appearance [-16]

  • Stealth at DX+1 [4]

Almost all Cambions have good combat skills. Some are mages.



(Greater Tanar'ri, PSMC 1)

Chasme Template [889 points]

  • Tanar'ri [542]

  • ST 14 [40]
  • HP +10 [20]
  • DX 11 [20]
  • HT 12 [20]
  • Talons (cutting) [8]
  • Innate Attack (nose; impaling; Melee (C) -30%) [6]
  • Extra Attack [25]
  • Affliction/1 (ST loss -4, +20%; DR Divisor/5, +150%) [27]
  • Affliction/1 (Sleep, +150%; Sense-based (hearing), +150%; Area, 16yd radius, +200%; Emanation -20%) [48]
  • Terror (Always On, -20%) [24]
  • See Invisible [15]
  • Telekinesis/10 (Psychokinetic, -10%) [45]
  • Flight (Winged) [30]
  • Ally Group (*) (3 points, x6, Summonable +100%, 3/day -20%, 9-) [33]

  • Disturbing Voice [-10]
  • Horrific Appearance [-24]

  • Flight at HT+2 [8]
  • Aerobatics at DX [4]
  • Brawling at DX+3 [8]

The Ally Group represents the Chasme's ability to summon either 2-20 manes, 2-5 cambion, or 1 chasme three times each day. The sleep Affliction is the buzzing sound.

This template still needs to have something to represent "Insect Plague" added to it.



(Lesser Tanar'ri, PSMC 1)

Succubus Template [1001 points]

  • Tanar'ri [542]

  • IQ 14 [80]
  • HT 13 [30]
  • Per +2 [10]
  • HP +10 [20]
  • DR 20 (Magical Fire; Occasional, -60%) [40]
  • DR 10 (Nonmagical weapons; Very Common, -20%) [40]
  • Very Beautiful [16]
  • Danger Sense [15]
  • Morph (Cosmetic, -50%) [50]
  • Flight (Winged) [30]
  • Clairsentience (Clairaudience, -30%; Increased Range, 100yds, +30%) [50]
  • Affliction (Attribute Penalty, Will -4, +20%; Cumulative, +400%; Sense Based, Touch, +150%; Melee, C, -30%) [54]
  • Ally (Balor on 6-, Summonable +100%, 1/day -40%) [8]
  • Magery/1 (Innate, -40% to lvl 1) [11]
  • Innate Spell: Loyalty at IQ+Magery [4]
  • Innate Spell: Suggestion at IQ+Magery [4]

  • Lecherousness [-15]

  • Body Language at Per [2]
  • Erotic Art at DX [2]
  • Sex Appeal at HT+5 [8] (+3 from Appearance)

Many Succubi are mages who specialize in Mind Control spells




(Gerater Tanari'ri; PSMC1)

The basic Babau template costs 724 points and consists of: Tanar'ri [252], ST +6 [70], DX +3 [30], IQ +3 [30], HT +3 [30], PD 3 [75], DR 5 [15], DR +12 (vs. nonmagical and non-silver weapons) [24], Nonrestrictive magic resistance/4 [20], Stealth at DX+1 [4], Corrosive Venom/1 [15], Injury Tolerance (no cutting/impaling bonus) [30], Summon Tanar'ri (1-6 Cambions or 1 Babau, 9-) [40], Polymorphing [50], Monstrous Apperanace [-25], Knack: Dispel Magic [15], Knack: Panic [15], Kanck: Levitation [16], Knack: Flight [50], Knack: Heat[8].

A Babau's injury tolerance comes from the sickly red fluid they excrete; this is also what gives them their corrosive venom. It will tend to do 1d damage to any weapon which hits it. Magic weapons have a DR equal to the sum of their effective Accuracy and Puissance, as appropriate.

If a given Babau is a Umana mage, he uses his mana pool instead of his fatigue to power his knacks. Babaus which are not Umana mages tend to have several levels of Extra Fatigue.

Last modified 2012-11-22 by Omar.