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Astronomy 102, Fall 2003

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Homework & Exams

When it is assigned, the problems you need to do for homework will appear here on this page. Homework must be turned in on the day it is due, at the beginning of class; late homework will not be graded. After the homework has been returned, solutions to the homework will appear here; you may find this helpful in studying for exams. Similarly, after exams are returned, solutions to the exams will appear here, which may help you in preparing for the final.

When calculations are required, remember to explain what you are doing, and put any necessary units on numbers. Use scientific notation for very small or very large numbers, and keep track of significant digits.

Homework Assignments

Homework Assignment #9
Due at the beginning of class on Friday, November 21. Solutions are available.

Homework Assignment #8
Due Friday, November 14. Solutions are available (60K PDF file).

Homework Assignment #7
Due Friday, October 31. Solutions are available (56K PDF file).

Homework Assignment #6
Due Friday, October 24. Solutions are available (51K PDF file).

Homework Assignment #5
Due Friday, October 17. Solutions are available (66K PDF file).

Homework Assignment #4
Due Friday, October 3. Solutions are available (57K PDF file).

Homework Assignment #3
Due Friday, September 26. Solutions are available (61K PDF file).

Homework Assignment #2
Due Friday, September 12. Solutions are available (65K PDF file).

Homework Assignment #1
Due Friday, September 5. Solutions are available (115K PDF file).


Review Final (72K PDF file)
This is a sample review final in the same format as the final that will be given on December 13 and December 17. Solutions are available.

Solutions to Exam 4 (41K PDF file)
These are the solutions (and some commentary) to the third exam.

Sample Review Test 4 (105K PDF file)
This sample test is in the same format as the test which will be given in class on December 5. This is here for your review purposes. Solutions are available (85K PDF file).

Solutions to Exam 3 (44K PDF file)
These are the solutions (and some commentary) to the third exam.

Sample Review Test 3 (57K PDF file)
This sample test is in the same format as the test which will be given in class on November 7. This is here for your review purposes. Solutions are available (51K PDF file).

Solutions to Exam 2 (52K PDF file)
These are the solutions (and some commentary) to the second exam.

Sample Review Test 2 (55K PDF file)
This is a sample test in the same format as the test which will be given on October 10. This is here for your review purposes. Solutions are available (60K PDF file). NOTE: the solutions as originally posted had two errors in part d of problem 10. The posted solutions have been updated. If your solutions don't say REVISION 3 at the top of the first page, you will want to download and print them again.

Solutions to Exam 1 (49K PDF file)
These are the solutions (and some commentary) to the first exam.

Sample Review Test 1 (55K PDF file)
This is a sample test in the same format as the test which will be given on September 19. This is here for your review purposes. Solutions are available (47K PDF file). NOTE: The mass of Quaoar was left off of the list of quantities on the front of the review test the first time around. Download the updated version (make sure the front says "REVISION 2") to get the mass of Quaoar.

Last modified: 2003-December-12, by Robert A. Knop Jr.

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