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Astronomy 102, Fall 2003

Telescope Checklists

Checklist for Setting up the Telescope

  1. Install the telescope on the wedge. Always handle the telescope by the fork, not by the tube!

  2. Turn the declination slow motion to set the tangent arm in the middle of its range.

  3. Install the visual back, the star diagonal and the 25mm eyepiece (low magnification).

  4. Make sure the set screws are tight enough to hold each part, but DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN!

  5. Turn on the telescope drive (a red light comes on)

  6. Focus the telescope

  7. Check the alignment of the finderscope and adjust if necessary. Make sure that when you are done, the 3 screws holding the finderscope are tight enough to hold it! DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN.

  8. Congratulations! You are now ready to observe!

When you are putting the telescope away:

  1. Put all three caps (front, back, finderscope) back on. Front cover needs to be rotated slightly to be secured in place.

  2. Park the telescope pointing down toward its base, and turn the fork so that one arm is up, with one handle UP.

  3. Turn off the telecope drive!!!

  4. Lock both axes (RA and dec clamps)

  5. Put all parts back in box, separating the screws/wrench from the optical components. Don't forget the flashlight.

  6. Secure the mount cover (plastic bag) around the mount post so that it won't be blown off by the wind.

  7. In the storage shed, telescopes go 4 to a bin. Have one handle facing out for easy pick up.

  8. Turn in the chek out form, reporting any equipment damage/problem.

Last modified: 2002-Dec-18 , by Robert A. Knop Jr.

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