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Astronomy 102, Fall 2003

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Astronomy 102 Laboratory

Fall, 2003

How the Labs Work
What is expected of you, what you will turn in, what you will need to do for the labs, how the labs are graded, all about the observing log. Read this before the first lab meeting.

Check this page often: it will contain information about schedules changes and assigned web labs for the different laboratory sections.

Labs To Do This Semester (Fall 2003)
Which labs should be done and when, and links to the descrptions of each individual lab.

Helpful Information.
Telescope introduction and manuals, an introduction to the sky, about star names. Important material which must be read and (in some cases) performed before doing any of the other labs.

Helpful Information

A Tour of the Sky

The Celestial Sphere

An Introduction to the Telescope


Last modified: 2003-January-7, by Robert A. Knop Jr.

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