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Astronomy 102, Fall 2004

 Home   Announcements   Handouts   Labs   Homework/Exams 

Handouts and Extras

General Information

A description an overview of the course, details of how it will be graded, and the schedule for the course.

Math Review
This page has a short (6-page) PDF file that quickly goes over some of the less-familiar math that you will need for Astronomy 102. All of it is math from high-school level algebra, but this will hopefully make clear some parts of it which is peculiar to astronomy.

Lecture Presentations

Here I will put online any computer presentations I use during lecture. The movies shown in lecture are available at Rob Knop's Astronomy Movies. Lecture presentations are in two formats; Impress, the format I'm actually using, and PDF. ( is a full office suite available for Windows and Mac as well as Linux.)

Java Applets

These applets require the Java 1.4.x plugin, available from The applet embedding code works with Mozilla; I have no clue if it will work with other proprietary browsers.

Spiral Galaxy Rotator
An applet that demonstrates how the arms of a spiral galaxy would "wind up" if they were material arms (i.e., stars in an arm stayed in an arm), given the rotation curves of spiral galaxies.

Last modified: 2005-June-07, by Robert Knop

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