Astronomy 102, Fall, 2006

Astronomy 102 Math Review

All of the math you will need to use in this course is at a level that you will have seen in high school, given the Vanderbilt admissions requirements described in the catalog. However, we know that you may be a little rusty at it. Additionally, we know that some of the math that this astronomy course emphasizes may not be those parts that you are most familiar with. Below is a short, 6-page PDF document that describes and explains some of the key mathematical concepts that you will need to know for Astronomy 102. Many of you will find this trivial or old news, but many of you will not. If you are finding any of it difficult or confusing, do not hesitate to ask the TAs or the instructor for help. The goal of the math in the course is not to put you to task on math, but rather to help you understand the science– and mathematics is often the language of science.

Astronomy 102 Math Review [75K PDF file]

Topics covered in this review include:

Last modified: 2006-06-06, by Robert Knop

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