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Astronomy 102, Fall 2003

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Astronomy 102: Stars and Galaxies

Spring, 2003


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Final Review Session

The review session for the final will be 5:30-7:30 PM in SC1320 on Tuesday, April 29.

About the Final Exam

Current lab status:

Labs are Graded

You can pick them up from Rene's office. None of the labs were graded out of 100 points; the number of points that this lab grading is worth depends on which section you're in:

This means that some of you got more than 100% on this lab grading.

For those of you who did the Moon Orbit lab instead of the Sunset lab, your grade on that will be factored back into your grade on the previous observing log. This could potentially reduce that grade (which was given assuming you would receive full credit on the Moon Orbit lab once it was graded this time around).

What's New

Solutions to the review sample final

Solutions to the review sample final have been posted. Note: because of an error in problem 18 of the review sample final, if you downloaded it before you may want to download it again. This sample review final and the solutions are both posted on the review section of the handouts page.

Review sample final available

A review sample final has been posted to the handouts page in the review section. Watch that section; solutions to these sample problems will be posted late Wednesday or early Thursday.

Homework #5 is Graded

Solutions are available on PDF format.

Final Review Material

A List of topics for the final exam is online on the Handouts page. Later this week, there will be a sample review final.

The April 18 Lab Due Date

Observing logs must be brought to clas and turned in on April 18. They will be returned next week on the tall shelves which are next to the racks where you pick up homework and exams. Get your returned lab log book from there. Those which have not been picked up by the end of finals week will be recycled.

The following are the requirements and grading for this due date:

Constellation Drawings: 10pts
This entire lab must be completed

Jupiter Orbit: 10pts
This lab must be completed, including all calculations and questions. You must have made \emph{three} additional observations beyond what was required for the March 21 lab due date.

Saturn Orbit: 10pts
This lab must be completed, including all calculations and questions. You must have made \emph{two} additional observations beyond what was required for the March 21 lab due date.

Sunset OR Moon's Orbit: 10pts
This lab must be complete. (If you did the Moon's Orbit lab, it is possible it wasn't graded in due dates and the points will be retroactively awarded. I need to check with the TAs to find out how they graded it.)

Jupiter OR Saturn Telescope Lab: 15 points
You only need to do one of these two labs. Whichever one you did will be worth 20 points.

Star Hopping OR Spectroscopy: 15 points (20 possible)
These labs have been de-scoped. For Star Hopping, you must observe: 3 bright stars, 3 double stars, 2 deep sky objects, and 1 star with planets. All questions and write-ups must be completed. For Stellar Spectroscopy, you must do one star from each table. All questions and write-ups must be completed. If you do more than this minimum requirement, you may get up to five points of extra credit.

Sunspot Web-Based Lab: 15 points
This lab must be cmpleted

Moon Lab: 15 points (20 possible)
You only need to do procedure items 1-9. If you completed 10-13, up to five points of extra credit may be available.

The log book grading will be worth 100 points. Note that with the extra credit listed above, if you got ahead earlier in the semester and were able to complete the Star Hopping/Spectroscopy or Moon labs, you may be able to get as many as 110 points. If it's cloudy this week: if a lab session is cancelled, that section will have their log book grading worth only 85 points (i.e. you will not be penalized if you only do one of the Star Hopping/Spectroscopy or Moon labs, although you will be penaized if you do neither.)

About the Final Exam

The final will be given in SC4327 on Wednesday, April 30, 3:00-5:00 PM. The alternate final is on Friday, April 25, 12:00-2:00 PM.

There will be a review session on Tuesday, April 29, from 5-7PM, location TBA.

The final is closed book. You may bring one, one-sided page of notes (8.5"x11"). These must be your own notes, in your own handwriting. You will need a calculator.

Last modified: 2003-April-28, by Robert A. Knop Jr.

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