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Astronomy 102, Fall 2003

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Homework & Exams

When it is assigned, the problems you need to do for homework will appear here on this page. Homework must be turned in on the day it is due, at the beginning of class; late homework will not be graded. After the homework has been returned, solutions to the homework will appear here; you may find this helpful in studying for exams. Similarly, after exams are returned, solutions to the exams will appear here, which may help you in preparing for the final.

When calculations are required, remember to explain what you are doing, and put any necessary units on numbers. Use scientific notation for very small or very large numbers, and keep track of significant digits.

Homework Assignment #5
Due on Friday, April 18. Solutions are availble in PDF format.

Exam 3 (116K PDF file)
Given on Wednesday, April 9. Solutions and Extensive Commentary are available (52K PDF file). I recommend you read this, as it addresses a few misconceptions several of you have. I may directly address those misconceptions on the final.

Homework Assigment #4
Due on Friday, March 28. Solutions are availble as a PDF file

Exam 2 (63K PDF file)
Given on Friday, March 14. Solutions are avilable (200K PDF file).

Homework Assignment #3
Due at the beginning of class on Friday, February 28. Solutions are available as a 88K PDF file

Homework Assignment #2
Due in class on Friday, February 14. Solutions are availble as a 65K PDF file

Exam 1 (53K PDF file)
Given on Monday, February 3. Solutions and commentary are available (54K PDF file).

This test will comprise 10% of your grade. Each of the next two tests will comprise 15% of your grade, totalling 40% for the three tests together (as stated on the Syllabus.) Below are the distributions of scores and grades; click each thumbnail image for a larger image. The average (and median) score on the test was 44.


Homework Assignment #1
Due in class on Monday, January 27. Solutions are available as a 120K PDF file.

Last modified: 2003-April-21, by Robert A. Knop Jr.

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