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Astronomy 103, Summer, 2006

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Astronomy 103

Labs To Do This Semester

Which lab we do a given nght will depend on where we are meeting. If the weather is good enough, we will meet at the 25th St. Garage observing facility and do the next facility lab. If it's not, we will meet in the Stevenson Center Computer Classroom and do the next classroom lab.

Be sure to check the Lab Status on the Course Page the day of your lab After 8:00 PM to find out which lab we are doing.

Print out, read, and bring with you the lab we will be doing. If an hour's notice isn't enough, then print out all of the labs that you might be doing on a given night, so that you will be ready. We will not have extra copies of the labs for you in lab, so you will be in trouble if you don't print out the lab you need ahead of time.

Facility Labs:


[1] The moon is not available every week. We will only do these labs in weeks when the moon is available. Your TAs will tell you if the moon lab may be done the next week, and the announcements on the Course Page will tell you if you will be doing a moon lab that night in lab.

Classroom Labs

[1] This lab requires data from the telescope basics lab, and as such will not be done until after your section has completed that lab.

Advanced, Extra-Credit Labs

The following labs are quite a bit more challenging than the other labs, and will not normally be assigned. However, if you complete all of the other labs before the end of the semester, and if it's clear at the end of the semester, you can also attempt these labs in order to get extra credit for your lab grade.

Last modified: 2006-June-14 , by Robert Knop

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