Bloodliner's Dinner
Earth, Wind & Flour


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Clockwise: Bill Johnson, Helen Woodhead,
Dan Hodges, Peter Bronson, Dr Paul Jenkins, Patrick Farnam, Doug Motley,
Kara Laidlaw, & John Lee (Triofan)

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Dennis (Dr. Vinyl), Lita Singer,
Arnie Moore (Wyidelode), and Alf Marrin

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Arnie and Kara,
Bill Johnson approves.

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Dan and Olivia Hodges

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Janet & Dr. Paul Jenkins,
and John Lee (Triofan)

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Dennis (Dr. Vinyl) and Mike

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Kara, Rhea Motley & John Lee

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Doug Motley &  Dr Vinyl

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Rhea Motley & John Lee

Patrick Farnam & Kara

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Peter Bronson & Dr. Paul Jenkins

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Mott, Mike, & Dr. Vinyl

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Bill Johnson and Helen Woodhead

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Helen & Patrick

Patrick Farnam

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Too Many Bloodliners