


Hi Folks,

The Music was loud & Electric at times....and then it was a soft acoustic
guitar and a banjo being strummed (Dr. Paul) or Picked (TrioFan John)
...There was Roadman and his camera taking more pictures than Eisenstat
...Shirtguy Rich made the trip from the Bay area (Hey long did
it take?)...Earthrider Tom singing his Nick Reynolds tenor over my shoulder
..Bill Reynolds (no relation) playing a Taylor Jumbo, and blowin some blues
harp...Mike and his wife Dee, as honorary Bloodliners talking about joining
this Merry group.... Karen Williams, ever smiling, ever glowing as she
talked about seeing John at the BackDoor in '69 when he sang the whole
California Bloodlines album....Dr. Paul telling an incredible story how
Pete Seeger has a book that shows you how you can cut the neck off your
banjo and add 3 frets....There was TrioFan John and I killing a bottle of
Peppermint Schnapps in 90 degree weather like we did at Zuma or cruisin in
Van Nuys ...there were teenage
musicians(Justin/Bass;Sean/drums;Croft/guitar; Nathan/guitar) who would
have rather played Zep or Smashing Pumpkins, but there they were, cookin on
18 wheels; Wheels of thunder; Angels with guns etc.... There was John and I
paying tribute to Sky Saxon and the Seed's..
(Mr. Farmer better water my crops!!!)

And the hosts... Mott and Rhea....what can you say??? Great food; Cold beer
& a house that has more doors than Audous was Stewart Fest
'98! Posters; pictures; scrapbooks; stories; MUSIC!! It was what John sings
about.... Great People; Great Places; Great fellowship; great memories!!!  

Thank you everyone!!!!!!!!!




Hi 'Liners,

Stewart Fest '98 is now just a memory. It was a day filled with music,
laughter, good food and the friendship that comes with being kindred spirits.
(or is it kindred "nuts" Catherine?)

There has been some commentary on the lines about "partying" and nursing poor
heads. So just to set the record straight, it might have been the thought of
the drive down the curvy mountain road from Mott's place, but Stewart Fest was
actually filled with a sober, but happy group. What I am saying, is there was
not a "slurred word to be heard."

Not to say there weren't a few rowdy moments, and some renegade bloodliners
who, perhaps jealous, because they couldn't play the guitar, banjo, harmonica
or carry a tune,... splintered off from the otherwise well-behaved group and
hijacked Mott's webtv keyboard to stir up trouble. (We all know that Mott
would never sign a post, "Love, Mott" ! )

The more talented of the group, stayed with the business at hand - playing,
singing and discussing John's music. Many had not met before yesterday, but
there were no strangers by day's end.

I could never list all the people who were present (there were hundreds
present in spirit) or list all of the J.S. songs that were played (or in a few
sad cases, butchered).. but here is a start.

Bloodliners present included Tom, ( Remember? He found his nickname - Earth
Rider) Nocknock - The Shirtman, The CAroadman, John the TrioFan, Merle,  Mott
and Rhea, Bill Reynolds (who is a great guitar and harmonica player and who
sang a mean rendition of Mother Country) Dr. Paul, a wanna-be bloodliner from
San Diego - Mike Wright,  several enthusiastic wives and children, plus a
surprise phone call from "the Rickster" in name a few.

Musical styles varied from acoustic, to electric, to banjo solos. Electric
guitars and amplifiers were enough to draw one of Mott's sons (and a friend)
and Merle's son into several songs. Songs played included: One More Town,
Never Goin' Back, Crow's Landing, 18 Wheels, Neon Road,Those Who Are Wise,
Runaway Fool of Love, Radio Days, Lady Came from Baltimore (!?!) Gold, Road
Away, Chilly Winds, Runaway Train, Wheatfield Lady, Tijuana Jail and many

Most of the Stewartistas are home by now, but not the Roadman. He is heading
for the Salton Sea and Anza-Borrego Desert. More roads to travel and pictures
to take. (Did anyone tell him how hot it is out there this time of year?
Hopefully, he'll make it back to work by next Wednesday as planned.) 

Those of you thinking of planning Stewart Fests in different parts of the
country...go for it. :-)))) You'll be glad you did. Also, there was talk
yesterday about a possible Stewart Fest '99 in San Diego. Ya-all will be the
first to know if it happens.

Nah, it wasn't as big as Woodstock, but it was a great time. Thanks Mott and
Rhea. Happy Anniversary, and have a great school year! Thanks to "Dave" for
the prizes, and of course...Thanks John and Buffy for the MUSIC.




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