The ROBERT FRIED PHOTOGRAPHY stock photo library contains more than 300,000 35mm original color transparencies. New locations and thousands of images are added each year. Detailed, computerized captions are affixed to each transparency mount

You can view the entire photo collection in outline format by Subject Area or Geographic Region. If you know what photo subject you are looking for you can also search the database by keyword.

This vast collection is well suited for advertising and editorial uses for brochures, magazines, books, calendars, digital files, etc. It contains extensive files for the travel industry and textbook publishers, especially French and Spanish foreign language programs.

Usage rights and fees are negotiated individually for each image and project.

Robert Fried Photography can provide next-day service in North America and second-day delivery in Europe and most parts of Asia.

For your stock photo requests, please contact Robert Fried by telephone, email or fax.


Thor's Hammer, a red rock hoodoo; Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, United States, North America


Boat cruise along Lake Frias, Nahuel Huapi National Park


Eiffel Tower, built 1887-1889 by engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel for the Paris Exposition of 1889

610 Eldridge Court | Novato, CA 94947 | USA
Tel: (415) 898-6153 | Fax: (415) 897-0353 |

Site development by Hieatt & Marcinkowski