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Vistiation Rules and Regulations


Our primary concern is the well-being of children entrusted
to our supervision.Supervisors have been screened and trained
by our agency. Supervisors are neutral, and their function is
to protect the safety and security of all parties, especially the
children, and to promote positive contact between children and
visiting parents. Please read these rules carefully because you
may be penalized for failure to follow them.

1. Both parties will be contacted by a Supervisor for a brief
phone interview and to arrange visits. The following documents
must be signed by both partiesand returned to the Supervisor at the first visit:
a. Contract between Parties and Supervisor
b. Authorization for Emergency Medical Care

2. Custodial and Visiting parents are expected to behave in an
appropriatemanner to the agency and with Supervisors. Conversations
and activities are not confidential. Parents are not to make negative
remarks about one another or discuss their court case in front of the
children. Parents must not attempt to influence the neutral role of the
Supervisor. No gifts shall be given to Supervisors. A positive attitude
will help all parties, especially the children.

3. The Supervisors will make arrangements for specific days, times,
and placesfor visits according to the Court Order or Mediation
Recommendation. The Supervisor can make changes for good cause.
The agency and the Supervisors will not mediate scheduling disputes.
In the event of disagreement, parties must go back to Court or a
dispute resolution service. (If there are restraining orders, the
Supervisor or attorneys will inform parties.)

4. Unless other arrangements are made with the Supervisor, the
custodial parent should arrive ten minutes before the visit commences
and should pick up the child ten minutes after the visit ends.
The visiting parent should not arrive until the designated time and
should leave at the designated time. The purpose of this is to avoid
any confrontations between the parties. The party ordered to bear
costs will pay for this additional time. However, if the custodial
parent is late, they will pay for this or other overtime.

5. If the visiting parent does not show up within one-half (1/2) hour
of the designated time, the Supervisor shall call the custodial parent
to come and get the child. The custodial parent shall provide the
Supervisor a means of contacting them during visits. Unless otherwise
Court-ordered, the visiting parent is responsible for paying the minimum
fee for the Supervisor's time. (1/2 hours) If the custodial parent
fails to show up within one-half (1/2) hour of the designated time,
he/she must pay the Supervisor's minimum fee for the visit. The
agency does not have a message system on weekends, so the office
must be notified by Friday Noon of all cancellations for good cause.

6. If the custodial parent is late, interferes with the visitation time
of thevisiting parent, or fails to fulfill the terms of visitation, the
parties'attorneys or the court will be notified by the Supervisor.
Unless otherwise Court-ordered, the Supervisor will make all decisions
about who is present at visits.

7. If the child is an infant or has special needs, the custodial
parent should bring all reasonably anticipated necessities. The
visiting parent should bring toys or other equipment appropriate to
the child's age and location of the visit. The scheduling of meals
during visits and responsibility for providing them shall be done by
the visiting parent. A visiting parent accused of child
sexual abuse may not bring gifts to the visit.

8. The visitation periods should not be used by either party for service or
delivery of any documents, including court orders, support payments, bills or
personal items. Violation of this rule will terminate service.

9. No parent shall appear for the visits under the influence of
alcohol or drugs. If the Supervisor believes that the visiting parent
is under the influence, he or she is authorized to prohibit the visit.
The visiting parent shall still be responsible for the Supervisor's fee
for that visit. If the Supervisor believes that the custodial parent is
under the influence, he or she is authorized to take appropriate action
to protect the child, i.e. calling police or Child Protective Services.
Supervisors are mandated to report any indication of child abuse to the
above agencies.

10. The Supervisor is authorized to terminate the visitation at any time
if the Supervisor believes that the parent's behavior appears suspicious,
inappropriate, dangerous or distressing to the child(ren). Such termination
will be reported to the other party, attorneys for the parties, and to the

11. Attorneys or parents requesting service must supply a copy of
the Court Order for visitation. Both parents shall supply a copy
of the Income & Expense Declaration filed with the Court. Fees will
be based on a sliding scale. Fees shall be paid at least 48 hours in
advance of the visit. Supervisors will make arrangements for the method
and location of payment. Failure to pay at the required time will result
in cancellation of visits. Supervisors may charge for transportation costs
and time. Visiting parents are expected to bear the costs of any
necessary meals or activity fees for the Supervisor. Custodial parents
will bear the cost of transportation or other special arrangements they request.
Supervisors may also charge for long-distance telephone calls, or for time spent
in arranging visits.

12. If a Declaration is required for Court, the Supervisor will charge the
requesting party $25 per page. Supervisors asked to testify will charge $25 per
hour, including time for travel, waiting, and in Court.